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Fire Hazard

Bruce Thomas

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Great photo Bruce! Man, is that scarey as hell or what? What if it finally took off in the middle of the night, with you and yours sound asleep....(shutter). Hope the smoke detector works, hope everyone can make it out, hope none of your irreplaceables are lost...hope it never happens.

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Yes you can use it, anyone can use it. If we can prevent a fire put it on the front page. (just give me credit [:-bonc01] )

Brian, It made my heart stop for a second or two. I'm a volunteer fireman and I always had a hard time figuring out how an attic fire starts without bad wiring, now I have another reason.


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Key word for this one is "pyrolysis". I've seen this in old closet light fixtures. May take many years before actual 'ignition' takes place. Constant exposure of wood to a high-heat source tends to lower the 'flash point'. Great concept to wrap your head around when dealing with 'clearances to combustibles' and other such issues.

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