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Electronic Door Locks

Ben H

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Ours at the airport aircracft maintenance hanger hasn't worked right for about nine months. It's supposed to default to locked in a couple minutes but it's unlocked most of the time. It's neat when it's working, though.

Thankfully, one still has to get through an electronically locked gate to get to that door.

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Timely......I've been looking into these also.

I've got a lot of reviews going both ways.....

Pros = no key, auto lock, etc.

Cons = battery life, wives never like them for some reason, don't take weather well.

Not sure Schlage is the one.

What I know so far has been derived from here.....


Of course, this is attractive.


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At my house the doors get locked at night when we are all in bed, when we go away on vacation, or when my wife is home alone and in the shower. All of those occasions are to satisfy her, I could care less if it's locked or not. In fact when I replaced the doors I specifically chose functionality that requires you to insert a key from outside to lock them behind you. Before that little intervention the doors were only unlocked if someone was walking through them.


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At my house the doors get locked at night when we are all in bed, when we go away on vacation, or when my wife is home alone and in the shower. All of those occasions are to satisfy her, I could care less if it's locked or not. In fact when I replaced the doors I specifically chose functionality that requires you to insert a key from outside to lock them behind you. Before that little intervention the doors were only unlocked if someone was walking through them.


Glad I'm not the only one. I never locked a door from 1980 - 2006 with no consequences the entire time. I usually left a radio on. Hopefully, if anyone ever entered, they had the impression we must not be gone for long.

I finally sold my larger home and moved into a tiny home that was to become a rental, but I liked the size and lacation and decided to call it home. Now, I lock - probably still don't need to, but what the heck.

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I'm thinking about buying one of the Schlage key-pads for my garage. My concern is the door gets all the weather. No shade from anything.

Does anyone have any experience with these?


I've had one on my shop for 2 years.... never a problem. ..... Even in extended sub freezing weather down to zero.... Not in direct sun so don't know about that.... Probably should change the battery before it fails

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