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New Home Inspection Software-Quickwork

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Originally posted by Pat Murphy

Quickwork is a new player on the Home Inspection software market. Just came out a week or so ago. 30 day demo version is not watered down and is free. It has a lot of custom settings to play with. Looks pretty good. Sold by a company called Uplynx.

There are a half dozen excellent home inspection programs out there. What's this one do that they don't?

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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I've yet to find any that make me anything other than scared, except Cramerware.

I've yet to see software that "writes" an adequate report, including my own.

The boilerplate in all of them is horrendously bad. The result is an entire generation of HI's that are "writing" horrendously bad reports. Passive voice prevails, & English majors w/ minimal experience in the field have somehow ascended to lofty positions of perceived knowledge.

At best, inspection report software takes (what should be) a relatively simple task & obfuscates the process. At worst, they provide an opportunity for marginally skilled HI's to supply massive amounts of words w/little useful information for the customer.

This "profession" is destroying itself very effectively w/confused & poorly designed reportage. I shiver w/every new software offering that allows newbies to come up w/ still yet another format.

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Originally posted by kurt

Youse guys is smarter than me; a little investagative work & the man behind the curtain is revealed. Wonder if we'll see Mr. Murphy @ Austin?

It would be nice but I doubt it,as he would have to pay for the booth!

By the way Pat, if you do want to advertise try contacting the owner of this site. Mike would love to help you promote your product. Also if you would like to send me a full working copy I would be glad to review it for you and give you my honest opinion.

Mail it to:

Scott Patterson

PO Box 1336

Ridgeland, MS 39158-1336

If you would like to get a booth at the largest home inspector conference in the nation, contact Angela Orlando angela@ashi.org.

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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by kurt

I've yet to find any that make me anything other than scared, except Cramerware.

I've yet to see software that "writes" an adequate report, including my own.

The boilerplate in all of them is horrendously bad. The result is an entire generation of HI's that are "writing" horrendously bad reports. Passive voice prevails, & English majors w/ minimal experience in the field have somehow ascended to lofty positions of perceived knowledge.

At best, inspection report software takes (what should be) a relatively simple task & obfuscates the process. At worst, they provide an opportunity for marginally skilled HI's to supply massive amounts of words w/little useful information for the customer.

This "profession" is destroying itself very effectively w/confused & poorly designed reportage. I shiver w/every new software offering that allows newbies to come up w/ still yet another format.

Kurt, I just registered with TIJ. How can I get info on Cramerware? I've search everywhere. I'm hiring a new inspector; anything that will 'keep it simple' is what I'm looking for. Thanks, Bernie

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That's because there is no such thing as 'Cramerware'. Look for Intelligent Reporter authored by Mark Cramer. While you're at it, check out our primary sponsor's software, Inspect Express at http://www.inspectexpress.com. A new version has just come out and it's getting better and better all the time.



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