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So this morning I received my Small Pox vaccination(15 sticks to the upper arm). I am being told this is a nasty one and changes in "texture" quite a bit. So here is the extent of my boredom as I type from my dorm room. I have photo'd the area for a comparison as it progresses. Pentax zoom did a great job! I was going to just freely post it on here for shit's and giggles but figured I better check with the masses. So, would you like to follow my trauma via photo for the next few weeks? Or am I just that bored?[:-magnify

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This is day 3: Itching like crazy. I am walking around like an escaped loon slapping at my left upper arm.

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Day 6. Itching has subsided somewhat. Lymph node in armpit very sore.

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That's pretty bored, Robert.

However, when I hit the lottery and resolve to travel the world in a mission of endless philanthropy, I'll need to get another smallpox vaccination. (I got one when I was five, and I'm months from turning sixty.)

Plus, I'm not squeemish - tending to perform my own minor surgeries. (Hey -if someone's going to inflict pain on me, it might as well be me. At least I know how to back off, when the reaction is "Ow", to regroup and press on.)

I'm behind ya.

Thanks for enduring all you must to serve the mother land...

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Thank-you sir. And when you begin your philanthropic ways, keep me in mind please. BTW, my activation and subsequent deployment is becoming a bit of an ironic disaster. Anyone that has been or is in the military will get that one. More on that later.

Yup, with two boys in, or in and out, of the service, I know what you're talking about.

My son-son-law set sea for a six month cruise that intantly became nine months thanks to Saddam Hussein. He was a navigator on a Prowler. The good news - he got slung off a catapult of the USS John C. Stennis (0 - 260 knots in about 6 seconds over and over again), to jamb Iraq's radar making our flyer's missions a cake walk...

(Of course the birds featured are F18 Super Hornets and F-14 Tomcats, but you get the picturre. Enjoy...)

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So this morning I received my Small Pox vaccination(15 sticks to the upper arm). I am being told this is a nasty one and changes in "texture" quite a bit. So here is the extent of my boredom as I type from my dorm room. I have photo'd the area for a comparison as it progresses. Pentax zoom did a great job! I was going to just freely post it on here for shit's and giggles but figured I better check with the masses. So, would you like to follow my trauma via photo for the next few weeks? Or am I just that bored?[:-magnify

I'd be interested to see the progression.

Why are you being vaccinated for a virus that was eradicated in 1979?

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