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Don't know when this site went down, and don't know if anyone tried to bid last night before it went down.

I don't want to screw anyone here, either the current high-bidder or anyone who tried to bid but couldn't. Best I can think of is to give this 'till five oclock today and that's the end of that. (Unless anyone objects or has other suggestions.)

This site did go down for others, right?


I was struck by the quality of the language and effort put into the writing of that document. My plan is to make a 'master copy' then frame it for preservation. I'll bring it to my 'Effective Reporting' CE class when I'm ready to teach it and use it as a session opener. I'll pass out copies of the master for them to pass along and they can always come up at break time to see the framed original (no toucha that frame).

Thanks Jerry!



A good framer will have archival mounting materials and UV glass to prevent degradation. It's how I have my stuff framed.

Make sure you use the good stuff.


Did a little homework myself. I'll be checking on prices and availability of UV glass and I've a wall selected for it that doesn't get direct sunlight.


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