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Mold and indoor cleaning detergents

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I have moved from an apartment, which had mold problem with various molds, including also Streptomyces Bacterium. Now as I have moved to another apartment, I?m pretty sure I haven?t been able to get rid of all the molds that may have infected my furniture and belongings (couldn?t possibly destroy every single piece of them when moving to this apartment).

Now I wonder what sort of cleaning detergents I would dare to start using. Since I have heard that for instance methyl benzene or phenyl methane, should be absolutely avoided, because molds could use them as a nutrition and the good bacterium would be destroyed using these. So what detergents should I buy for household cleaning?

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I have moved from an apartment, which had mold problem with various molds, including also Streptomyces Bacterium. Now as I have moved to another apartment, I?m pretty sure I haven?t been able to get rid of all the molds that may have infected my furniture and belongings (couldn?t possibly destroy every single piece of them when moving to this apartment).

Now I wonder what sort of cleaning detergents I would dare to start using. Since I have heard that for instance methyl benzene or phenyl methane, should be absolutely avoided, because molds could use them as a nutrition and the good bacterium would be destroyed using these. So what detergents should I buy for household cleaning?

This is the wrong place to go for those kinds of questions. We deal in reality here. We'll tell you that your concerns are misguided, that simple cleaning with any old cleaning product is fine, and that you're obsessive. You'll get angry with us and you won't listen to anyone who doesn't share your viewpoint. Lots of bits and bytes will be squandered on recriminations and you will only add heartburn to whatever other health concerns you imagine you already have.

Go to one of the nut job mold forums and wallow in the paranoia there.

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