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Metal chimney location

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This was in an email from a buyer who I did an inspection for in early November:

"I just wanted to let you know that my homeowner's insurance (Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx) has CANCELLED my policy based on their assessment of the wood stove's chimney. They are unable to give me specific answers to how I have or have not complied with their standards."

Does anyone see any issues with this installation? The only restrictions on distances to building openings and above walking surfaces that I'm aware of apply to the termination.

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They make up their own rules and change them at any moment to deny claims. They probably just want to drop some riskier, older housing from coverage and will make up anything to cancel policies.

There's only 2 insurers I recommend for old house insurance and then, only written from 2 specific agencies.

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I got another email from the buyer. He contacted the insurance company and now the problem is no longer the chimney, it's a bin containing kindling that's too close to the wood stove. I pulled up the picture of the installation thinking it may be some kind of built-in bin. Nope. I'm assuming the plastic bucket in the photo was taken when the sellers moved.

It looks like the insurance company is just jerking my buyer around.

Thanks, guys.

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The buyer needs to find a new insurance company. This nonsense will never end. They do not want to insure the home, for what ever reason.

Yes there are plenty of insurance offices in town.

When they call me for info sometimes they sound like they are calling for more ammo to make the client go away. [:)]

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