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Aluminum floor joists

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1975 house. I have never seen this before. I could not find any markings on the joists. The odd cross-section makes me think they were manufactured for some other purpose and were surplus. Anybody seen these or have an idea what they may be?

P5144264 (1024x683).jpg

P5144266 (1024x683).jpg

P5144268 (1024x683).jpg

P5154346 (1024x683).jpg

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On one hand, they look fine. However, I was hired as an engineer to state that they are fine. Nothing is that easy for engineers. Considering the very narrow webs and the lack of any blocking or bridging, I question how they would perform if truly loaded to a design load, or with a concentrated load. Also, I question the performance should a fire occur. they may perform far worst than I-joists, which now have special requirements for protection from fire. 

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6 hours ago, mjr6550 said:

Also, I question the performance should a fire occur. they may perform far worst than I-joists, which now have special requirements for protection from fire. 

I agree; they'll warp/twist.  That's why I prefer a wood beam in most cases versus a steel beam.

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