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For The Gentleman Farmer

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What a beautiful dream!

Actually, I've been involved with horses my whole life. When I was younger, I used to rodeo (my sport was bull dogging) and I trained as an Equine Dentist (horse dentist).

My dream has always been to retire and breed either pulling horses or miniature horses (talk about opposite extremes). They use the the mini's just like seeing eye dogs and they are more trainable than dogs, and live longer!

Anyway, right now, it doesn't seem like any more than a "pipe dream"!


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Originally posted by Jim Morrison

I aint in it for the money. I do it for the love.

Ahhhh....Jim's New England Chicken Ranch, eh? You sly dog.


Brian G.

That Jim Boy is Smarter Than He Looks [:-dopey][:-dev3]

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