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Whoa! Now THAT's Gonna Be One Tough Move

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Purchase price of the house - $0.

Cost to move - Immense.

Nice house. Could very well be a wonderful home worth several times what it will cost to move it, once it's on a new lot and completed, but, man, is that ever going to be a tough one!

Here's the link: http://www.historicproperties.com/detai ... y=mamou013

OT - OF!!!


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I wouldn't call it a Prairie; it's got Prairie overtones, but there's (sort of) Italianate elements in there, w/some arches and other period details.

It's kind of an Americanized version of several different ethics, no? I similar stuff a fair amount; they're always from the 1920's, maybe '30's. How about "Pre-Depression Stockbroker", or something like that?

Kibbel; what would this style be called?

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"Kibbel; what would this style be called?"

My knowledge (and interest) of building styles doesn't extend into the 20th century.

I would have guessed it to be a Prarie school influenced somethin'. The vestibular entry doesn't look like it belongs on that house. Many homes built after 1900 look like leftovers from several meals assembled together. See comment above.

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I like a little Italianade myself.

And that word, "Vestibular"; sounds like a leg bone.

Donning my architectural critics hat, that vestibular entry sort of mucks up the otherwise decent looking elevation. When we move that sucka, I vote we leave the vestibular, er, vestibule by the side of the road....

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