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Dual feed irrigation

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Call today on a rural property with stock tanks (ponds).

They say the grounds landscape irrigation is a dual feed from city water supply and stock tanks.

I'm thinking due to turbidity, microbial growth, and algae there would have to be some sort of filtration system on the tank feed side.

Other obvious components would be check valve and backflow prevention...

Any thing else???

Anyone familiar with these systems and components, help or information would be appreciated?

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Steven is on the mark. A rpz or rpa is the strongest level of protection (other than an air gap) to protect the city water. Sub testing of this device out. They should be tested annually.

Dual supply -- The controller has several programs. The source can be selected by these separate programs or selected manually by hand operated valves.

Irrigation design and performance -- lots to say

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Quote:Originally posted by chicago

Wow that goes beyond normal home inspection,however just curious how do they feed the stock tank.? Runoffid="blue">

Why worry about a filter for landscaping water non-potable.? For the reasons posted and posible effluent from the livestock if they decide to use for that purpose. My thinking is the water from the tank will be full of crap that could buildup or be left as deposits in the irrigation system thus rendering it useless over time or at the moment when the new owner wants to try and save on their water bill.id="blue">

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Originally posted by charlieb

Irrigation is a deep subject but really simple. You need training and certification to test & certify backflows. Wanna buy a guage[;)]

What would you like to know?

Not testing or certifying just need to document their presence or lack thereof.

RPZ or RPA, OK, either or both required IYHO?

Do you have any links to further educate my client and myself?

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Try the watts, zurn, wilkins and febco sites. They are the most common manufacturers. The installation details are not tough. 12" clear space below the dump is required. Multiple backflow (low and high consumption rates) have a few details to watch.

Look for any situation that could allow water to back up into the system and confirm protection is in place. Pest guys like to dangle a hose in the tank and let it fill. This is an example of a cross connection. City main loses pressure and the "Tainted" water is siphoned into the drinking water supply. Tidy bowl blue water ---- BLUE ICE.

RPA/RPZ same basic design different manufacturers.

Have your client/you confirm the device has been tested in the last 12 months. It should be on file with the water dept. Man made devices fail. Springs and rubber parts and all.

The device uses several chambers separated by diaphrams held by springs. The spring rates are not the same. If a back flow or siphon condition exists it will dump the down stream water before it can be pulled into the water supply.

One other note. Run off water is dirty. ANY debris will foul the device. Have it tested now and be prepared to make regular repairs.

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