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Does Licensing Loom on the Horizon in Michigan?


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Another fake "coalition" formed by a few ASHI folks and ITA.

They did the exact same thing, to include the media hype, in Missouri, Kansas and New Hampshire. All three states defeated the attempt to force licensure on home inspectors.

Exposing the fake coalition for being what it is gives the biggest push for backlash and momentum against it. People are just not as stupid as these folks want to think.

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As the very first person to propose an association of Michigan Inspectors, let me assure you J.H. Bushart does not have a clue about the situation in Michigan. I am not a member of the Michigan Association of Home Inspectors at this time, however do know every single member. I know Mr Aldering to be an astute, knowledgeable inspector and certainly not a member of ASHI nor a part of any chicanery or conspiracy.

I, personally, take great offense at remarks from those that really do not have a clue. I know Rep Acavitti personally and have spent hundreds of hours on this issue; only to have an "expert" from Missouri spew forth dribble.

J.H., you got my only reaction - for the benefit of those that may think you know.

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