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Thanks Steven, that was VERY timely.

Last week I was camping in the Berkshires and it was really windy. My canopy doesn't take wind well, so an emergency trip to the hardware store allowed me to MacGyver the thing with steel conduit and eye bolts. I also wanted to tie it down better, but that exposed a big weakness on my part - I don't know knots. I Had to resort to asking my buddy who was camping next to us to tie my knots. How humiliating. I felt like a kindergartner who couldn't tie his shoelaces.

I vowed to look online for a knot tying guide, study and practice and then never be knot-impaired again. I came home Sunday to find just what I needed in your link.

Thanks again!


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I have paid big money to stay in places "worster" than that!

Here is my family camping set up. That is us on the far right. The farmer let us hook up to the stock tank for water and gave us some fly strips.

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It is for sale and my wife won't let me buy it. been abandoned for couple years. She claims it is another one of my projects that will make me no money. That camper has two racoons living in it and about four million hornets.

I drive by it every couple of days just to look at it.

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Aw, you had me going there for a while, Les.

I was hoping I could get a respirator recommendation. I figured if a respirator could cut the mustard on manure spreadin' day, handling crawlspace and attic dust would be a piece of cake.

BTW, what's wrong with projects that make no money?

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I grew up around horses and in my youth I dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. I did get as far a becoming a horse dentist. I now "pipedream" of raising either miniature horses or pullng horses (Clydes, Belgiums, etc.). Talk about oppisite extremes!

If I could draw a picture of my "dreamhome", a place like that would be it.

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