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I'm losing my mind . . .


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sorry about that, hit 'post new reply' too soon.

Anyway this is what i have. It has a condesate pump (not connected to a drain, but that's a different story) and a humidifier that I guess is for the heat. I'm stumped.

Would be interesting to see what the tea leaves say though . . .

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I can't tell much from your pictures, but is there any chance it is a ground source heat pump?

These units don't have a air cooled condenser coil outdoors and the compressor is mounted indoors along with the water pump and controls. I would not expect to see one paired with oil or gas heat though.

Did it cool? What kind of thermostat?

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There is a spot on top of the furnace for the evap coil but it looks like there is black tape over the holes where the suction & liquid line would go. From your pictures it looks like there is no ac at present. Did you set it to cooling and check discharge air temperature? If so, what was the room temperature and what was the discharge air temperature?

PS: You have a humidifier on the side but the overflow drain goes to the floor and not into the condensate pump.

PSS: If you did the inspection on 7-17-09 then the date on your camera is incorrect :)

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I see that here sometimes too; A coils installed with new furnaces, because homeowners think that they'll oneday install an AC system, and they never actually get around to doing it. A check of temperature split should have told the tale.



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Originally posted by Terence McCann

PSS: If you did the inspection on 7-17-09 then the date on your camera is incorrect :)

yeah, I noticed it after I started doing the report. My camera battery died and I had to use my wife's camera. I guess she never set the date [:-taped]

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