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Contrasts in Real Estate Value

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Last week I did this old bungalow on a little corner lot in downtown Seattle.

Yesterday, I did this 7 year old gentleman's horse ranch only 10 miles away. Not that much difference in the price, but it's amazing the contrast in the two homes given that they aren't that far apart and are similarly priced.

Go figure.

OT - OF!!!


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I suppose.

It's not big, but big enough. It's relatively clean and there's a lot to do here - especially for those who like outdoor sports. I'm probably not the best judge of that. I spent too much time overseas and insulated from the rest of the country on military bases while in the service. I moved here a month and a half before my official retirement date, so it's the only place that I've lived for longer than a decade in nearly 40 years.

I'm constantly amazed, though, at the number of unusual violent crimes I see here, and have wondered if the ratio of those was higher than some other cities. Don't know what to make of that. Maybe it's something in the water.

OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by hausdok

I'm constantly amazed, though, at the number of unusual violent crimes I see here, and have wondered if the ratio of those was higher than some other cities. Don't know what to make of that. Maybe it's something in the water.

If true, I would guess water alright, but not drinking water. It's all that damned rain. [:-grumpy][:-boggled

Brian G.

Soggy Socks Make Madmen [;)]

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It's market perception. How we think about houses is soooo completely different than the market.

The market is about things we don't even begin to care about, like what "side of the tracks" it's located, who're the neighbors, etc.

The bungalow is most likely in a perceived high value market. I ought to take you down into Lincoln Park, and show you some of the crazy stuff down there; 3,4,5 million for some of these dumps, while a mile away there's the same house for a half mil. Who Know's?

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Hi Kurt,

Yeah, I suppose you're right. I read an article in Sunday's paper about how crazy the real estate market has gotten in London. Apparently, it's now the highest-priced market on the planet and folks are paying more than a million pounds for things like 48 year leases.

Guess I should move to the UK and start selling real estate.



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