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Houseboat Crawls Up On Land

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Here's a pretty unusual house move. The houseboat at the link below has to be moved to land because the hull is no longer seaworthy. How's that for irony?

Nice looking little hooch for anyone in the Puget Sound region that has a small lot and wants to put a small house on it.




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Piece of cake for the Nickel Brothers. Just toss it on the back of a truck and bring it to you.

Those boys move some big (did I say BIG!) stuff. I've seen some of their videos of big moves. Interesting to watch. Don't know that I'd want to be standing to close.

Did anybody else catch the Travel Channel's special on floating homes in Sausalito, CA and Seattle, WA today?


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Hi All,

I just talked to Nickel Bros. The website is wrong - it's in Seattle, not Everett, in drydock. Deadline is close but they're trying to get more time. The girl didn't know what it's going for. She said she'll have a salesperson call me back.

I asked what it would cost to barge something like that out to Hat Island 4 miles from Everett. She says about the same as it would from Everett because the barge comes out out of Seattle anyway - ballpark for barging - about $8K.

Buildable 1/2-acre interior lots on Hat Island begin about $20K. Dig a hole a foot shallower than the concrete float, place a reinforced slab in the bottom of the hole, slide the float into place and it's pretty much a case of putting in a septic system and hooking up to the existing power and water and backfilling. With proper planning and execution, one could have themselves a nice little turnkey vacation cabin/retirement nest in no time, complete with golf course, yacht club and marina and whole island privileges.



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I don't have the scratch to be dinking around with vacation homes and the like. Besides, after the KK's experience on Richard's boat last week I don't think there's any way she'd go for buying a house and sticking it on a lot where the only way one can get to it is via boat.



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I have seen some weird things since Hurricane Ike hit the Houston area. We went fishing the other day and there was a large house boat parked by the boat dock. The man on the dock said he found it after the storm and no one claimed it, he moved it inland and was remodeling it. I only saw one hole about 2 feet wide towards the rear. It had to be a 250000 dollar boat.

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