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Feedback on Mold Detection Tool

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I find that most of her site contains such half truths, carefully calculated to support her business.

I just blew through the site and have the same general conclusion, particularly the references to the pulmonary hemorrhaging in infants issue. We know it isn't true. The statements are disingenuous, contradicting what large groups of knowledgeable people have established.

May, I've gone over this stuff with enough doctors, nurses, medical professionals, researchers, and mycologists to believe you. I readily concede that medical science is imperfect, but it's infinitely better than lone individuals and small groups vested in maintaining the idea there's a major health risk from casual mold exposure.

I think it's dangerous to have untrained individuals offering health advice. If you are working with a trained medical professional with specific backgrounds in microbial and fungal pathogenesis, OK. If not, I think you're a loose cannon on deck.

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Been gone for a day doing other stuff,

If you think what you're finding by sliding a piece of tape under a baseboard is significant, the levels of stachy, Aspirgillus, Cladosporidium, Penicillium (Don't know how to spell them - don't care) you'd find in homes out here in damp central would probably have you walking around with an oxygen bottle screaming at the reservations clerk at SeaTac to get you the frig out of this place yesterday.

Still, so what? It's there. We've been breathing it our entire life and it was here before us and it will be here when we're all blasted off this planet from our own foolishness. You might just as well declare the planet unlivable and go sit in a plastic bubble with a bottle of Lysol or something because not you, not anyone is ever going to escape mold. I bet before you even entered that house with the tape swab someone could have tape swabbed your clothing, the surface of your eyes, the inside of your nose or lungs or hair and come up with these same ubiquitous - but declared by mold "professionals" to be toxic - fungi.

When the judge took back $30M of Ballard's award he told her that he was allowing her to keep the other $4M as a means of punishing Farmer's for a lazy response - or something to that effect - and that he'd been unable to find one shred of evidence linking mold to any of her alleged symptoms. If, as Jim points out, you aren' telling folks that on your website I have nothing more to say to you because your credibility is now shot with me. I won't be responding to you anymore. Continue to come here to screw with us non-believers if you like but don't look for a response from me.



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