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AC Maintenance Advice to Past Clients

Mike Lamb

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I'll be sending out a short "get ready for the AC season" news brief to my past customers.

My DIY advice for cool air split systems is keep the filter clean, keep stuff away from outside compressor/condenser and clean compressor/condenser coils. What else would you add?

Assuming no problems the year before. What non DIY items or advice would you include if any? Would you recommend professionally cleaning inside evaporator coils if it hasn't been done in, lets say, 5 years? Thank you.

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Screw the 5-year professional maintenance. I've never seen coils cleaned correctly and they charge 80-$100 bucks just to come to your door.

Besides keeping a clean filter, I tell my clients to file and monitor the electric bills. When the summer bill suddenly skyrockets relative to the previous summer, schedule a professional HVAC maintenance.


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