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CLT Marc

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Um, I like the site and I know I can use this forum, but how come no meet and great page? It would be neat to be able to read more about the fellers here without having to scan hundreds of posts in and around the site to find out.

So here's a little bout me. Anyone want to chit chat hit me up.

I live in Charlotte NC. I am applying for my NC inspector license. I am nervous though because the list of things they accept as experience doesn't cover what I have done. But they say on a case by case basis they will review.

I really want to do this because I love houses. I thought about RE agent but that requires soooooo much time.

I guess I should back up a tad. I currently do Nuclear inspections in Nuclear facilities. But we only work from Feb-may, and Aug -Nov, and I want something for my down time. I don't need it for a full time to live on, but I do need it to help keep me off unemployment during the down time.

In my day I have done some crazy inspections. I was a structural engineering inspector for many years, and have been in QC most of my life in one form or another, and I have done some remodelling work in one form or another, but that's so intensive. Not something you can do one or two a week of for three month stints.

I at one time was a real go to guy. At an Airport in the US there was an underground tunnel that was showing cracks and needed an inspection. Myself and the lead PE went in and investigated. I would be called out by the city to verify things for the city inspectors that they found funny, and wanted an independent inspection to support or refute their findings.

I have been involved in some real large jobs, and some real small jobs. Contractors loved me because if I showed up for an inspection they could use me to press the issues with subs in other areas. Most often when a city inspector walked up to me they asked if I was happy, and passed or failed on my word.

Do I think that makes me special, no, but I think I can do this. I admit there are places I would want to know more about, and I would maybe hesitant at first, such as the HVAC. I would look for screws and tape at joints, and would have a hard time determining when I should let things go.

If I am approved and pass the test I am hoping to find an inspection agency that I can work under so I don't have to cough up the E&O.

Anyone have advice on how to find them? Are they hard to get in?

Well that's a bit about me. I would like to make friends here so I have some sounding boards. I'm crossing my fingers that I pull this off.

Thanks for listening

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Welcome to TIJ.

Read a LOT. You've got a whole bunch to learn. There's a bunch here.

Good luck finding someone you can work under. Most of us are sole inspectors. There's not a lot of multi-inspector companies out there, except for the franchises.

Here's something I put together a long time ago. Most of it is still applicable.

http://activerain.com/blogsview/130362/ ... or-startup

Good Luck!

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I agree that it can be difficult to work as an HI only in spurts of 3 month each unless you're doing so under someone else. Erby's right. Most of us work alone and sales in this business takes on a momentum characteristic.

If you click on the member name at the left top of each post, the profile of that member will show up. That sometimes tells you a little about them, depending on whether they filled out their bio or not.

Welcome to TIJ. Ain't nothing else like it for HIs. 90% of my education is guided by what I learn here. Member for 2 1/2 years.


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Welcome, you apparently want to contribute and have some basis for doing so.

Anybody that's a licensed PE could kill in this gig if they understand a few things.

Initially, I'd recommend shaving about 7/10th's of your verbiage into tight little word bombs and save fuel by leaving out all the lol's. After that, anyone that can put together coherent descriptions of conditions and back it up with a PE license just needs to figure out how to survive until the work flows regularly. Plenty of need, it's just developing the network that feeds you work.

Each person's situation is unique.

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Plenty of need, it's just developing the network that feeds you work.

Each person's situation is unique.

To add to Kurts....

I recommend going fully independent. Avoid the realtor relationship approach. It will take longer to get going but when you do, it will grow and grow steady through the client trust . When you get the feeling of who you're truly responsible to, things will come easier. Make a good website to market yourself and always talk straight. When people read your website and call, they want to be talking to the same person.

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Thanks guys! I will certainly look into the verbiage thing. Ive been reading in here for a day and a half now and have picked up some things that are really cool. I really like the way you post unique and plane retarded findings.

Thanks for the link Erby, I'll be checking out those site later today.

Thanks again, talk to y'all soon

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