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Closet and bath question

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I'm currently at an inspection where a guest bedroom leads into the guest bath. This is the first time I've seen a configuration like this and it just seems wrong. Is there any code cite to say this is wrong or is it just dumb? Attached is the pic shot from the bedroom through the closet into the bath.


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The just dumb comment was because of the possibility, at least in my mind, of moisture collection in the closet area. The only means of ventilation in the bath was mechanical fan.

This was more for my information and to alleviate my concern not my clients report. I have not seen this setup before. If I am to learn I must ask questions. Thank you for your replies.

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The just dumb comment was because of the possibility, at least in my mind, of moisture collection in the closet area. The only means of ventilation in the bath was mechanical fan.

This was more for my information and to alleviate my concern not my clients report. I have not seen this setup before. If I am to learn I must ask questions. Thank you for your replies.

I did not mean to offend and realize my wording in the previous response could have been better. Please don't let me from discourage you from asking questions.

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The just dumb comment was because of the possibility, at least in my mind, of moisture collection in the closet area. The only means of ventilation in the bath was mechanical fan.

This was more for my information and to alleviate my concern not my clients report. I have not seen this setup before. If I am to learn I must ask questions. Thank you for your replies.

I did not mean to offend and realize my wording in the previous response could have been better. Please don't let me from discourage you from asking questions.

I have to admit I was annoyed but the good thing is I have thicker skin than that.

While I rarely post here I learn from you gentlemen on a daily basis. Maybe one day someone will have a similar question and be able to learn from this thread.

I am a firm believer of learning new things every day. If I think I know everything then I'm either an insufferable know it all or dead and neither is a good thing[:-paperba

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And re-reading my original post I realize I posted in haste and didn't convey my worries properly.

The post should have read that the guest bath was only accessible through the guest closet from the bedroom. I have not seen that configuration before.

So I can't blame anyone for not answering the question correctly since I didn't even ask it right. That's what I get for being in a hurry [:-paperba

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I would rather have that configuration than one where the closets are only accessed from the bathroom, so you have to walk through the bathroom to get dressed. I've seen a lot of those, especially in higher-end homes. Probably a case where too many doors in the Master Bedroom Enclave offends the senses.

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