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Ground and neutrals on separate buses


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I checked out a new house last week that had a panel containing neutrals and grounds mixed--not double-tapped--together on the two side buses. I phoned the electrical inspection dept. and was told that they only require the grounds and neutrals to be on separate buses if the main breaker is located away from the panel; like on the exterior of the house, near the meter. The logic of this escapes me.

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"...they only require the grounds and neutrals to be on separate buses if the main breaker is located away from the panel"

If the main breaker was part of this panel, then it is the service equipment and the neutrals would not be isolated.

If this panel was separate from the main breaker, then it is after the service equipment and the grounds and neutrals would need to be separated.

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"...how in the world, Bill, did you know about the three faces of DavePHD, ??? Are you clairvoyant or something? I'd have never put the pieces of that puzzle together."

Probably because I've been a HI too long. I'm always suspicious of everything, so I gather clues, add them up and try to convince everyone that my conclusion is right. Probably why no one hangs out with me anymore - 'cept other HIs.

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