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Home Inspectors Aren't Only Ones Under Pressure


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90% is conservative as per appraisers being pressured by mortgage brokers. And it is correct that HIs do not have it as hard as appraisers that are controlled by Brokers. I am a state certified appraiser inactive and I know first hand. Appraisers must be professionally secondary to brokers in order to make a living.

It is like the fox being put in charge of the chicken house. I quit the appraisal business 15 years ago because of this abomination.

Paul B.

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I did appraisal for 1 year. I had no idea going in that things were that way, but they are. Mortgage brokers and RE agents can only dream of having the sort of dominance over us that the mortgage people have over most of the appraisal community. At least as an HI I can market directly to the consumer, which is all but meaningless for most appraisers since the bank or mortgage company is their actual client (by law).

I must say this line jumped out at me.

"As the only independent, objective third party involved in a real estate transaction, the appraiser can perform an important role in protecting the homebuyer and financial institution."

What are we...chopped liver? And if 90% are under pressure, and I agree with Paul about that number being conservative, how can they be considered independent and objective? Far too many HI's don't genuinely qualify for those titles either, but I wouldn't put it anywhere near 90% (yet).

Brian G.

The Whole RE System Sucks [:-yuck]

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What are we...chopped liver? And if 90% are under pressure, and I agree with Paul about that number being conservative, how can they be considered independent and objective? Far too many HI's don't genuinely qualify for those titles either, but I wouldn't put it anywhere near 90% (yet).

It's close to that around me. I have yet to meet another inspector that is independent of agents. And, I get around.

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