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Green Stuff ???


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Three year old house.

Green substance on top of furnace under condensate line. At first I thought it's extra flux that dripped down when they soldered the refrigerant lines. But it just seems like that amount is too much. Could not get a good look into coil itself.

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Bob has it right, I've seen that many times. It's especially heavy where the insulation on the suction line was left short and the penetration into the metal enclosure isn't sealed (like on the liquid line in your photo). Sweating and dripping, sweating and dripping.

Brian G.

When Condensation Is An Aggravation A Little Insulation Can Bring Salvation [;)]

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Retracting too early can make your props curly. (sorry, I just always liked it.) I have a compulsion problem too, Brian, but I don't try to fix it. Being a grown-up is entirely over-rated.

Oh, and the solution to polution is dilution.

Originally posted by Brian G.

When Condensation Is An Aggravation A Little Insulation Can Bring Salvation [;)]

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Originally posted by Phillip

I guess I need to find my inter child. He hasn't acted up in a while.

It's easy, just get around a little kid or two. If you still have one inside he'll probably come right out to play. I like watching my parents turn loose and get right down on my sons' level...it's good for everybody. [:-propell

Brian G.

Nanny-Nanny-Boo-Boo [:-tong2]

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Warning: having an inner child can bruise your adult ego.

Case in point: a short while ago I was down on all fours providing "horsey rides" for my brothers kids. One of the boys, proud of his knowledge of geometric shapes, pointed to my SLIGHTLY thinning hair (OK full-blown bald spot) and exclaimed "Look at the circle!!"....ahhh the innocence of children.

Time spent with kids is never wasted!


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Hi Mitchell pretty sure from the picture that is oxidation.Now if you want to freak somebody out,just spread some wet (miracle grow) on your friends copper pipes when he is not looking then go back the next day so you can watch him freaking out over his pipes oxidizing.

Just a little trick I learned for over night antiquing of my art.

Darn... 4 days late.

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