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Wacky Cracks - How Bad Is It?

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Did an inspection on a 15 yo cape. Found cracks on the front and back walls that mirror each other. They start at the top with a little offset and go down about 15" then are almost met by cracks starting at the slab. They are a little wider than 1/8" at the widest part.

It's like the sides of the house are settling and middle is settling at the same time

Plus there're small cracks all around the basement including slanting cracks that meet at the corner.

How Bad Is It?



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John, quite atypical as you describe. For instance; a crack in the midsection of wall will relieve stress at corners and "prevent" cracking. If I read it right you have a poured foundation? Cracks at corners? crack at mid-point front and mid-point rear? Not good as described.

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