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We all know what it helps us do.

In using these as a guide to write things up, does it always have to go in that order?

Would it be less effective or somehow wrong to do it in a different order sometimes?

Like maybe Observe...Action...Concern?

For instance;

The * is faulty and it should be repaired or replaced. If not corrected it will cause *.


I don't believe you have to stick to any order of OCA or even OCA each finding. The function of the inspection report should be to provide information, a snap shot of the condition of the house at the time of the inspection. That being said items that are significantly deficient should follow OCA by most SOP's but it could be ACO, AOC, CAO, COA etc. which one you might use in writing anyone finding would be a matter of how you wanted to tell the story I would think.

Chris, Oregon


I don't believe that it makes any difference. If it helps you to tie a bowline by saying, "the rabbit comes out of the hole, goes around the tree and goes back into the hole," then say that.

Observe, concern, action.

Fact, opinion, guidance.

Detect, describe, defer.

I think they're all good to keep you on track when you're starting out. After you've some experience, they tend to limit your worldview.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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