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Color Of Car

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I'm color deficient. Maybe it was white and has been completely painted over. More important, it's not a car, it's a truck. SUVs are classified as trucks at least here in Florida. If I can't tell the color I can, at least, be picky about the classification.


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Another thought,

If that vehicle (I avoided saying car or truck) was parked down here in S. Florida, especially Dade County, nobody would even notice it. It would simply be another stolen vehicle awaiting export to S. America. Vehicle registration isn't even an issue. If it were parked under the overpass at I95 and 395 it would also be home for 8-10 otherwise homeless individuals or one soon to be homeless HI if my wife reads this. Leslie is very critical when it comes to my referrence to the homeless. I don't blame her, hell she's right about everything else.


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Originally posted by Rob Amaral

The "People's Republic of Cambridge (MA)"?

Therefore, gotta be 'red'..


No fair, you know the territory too well.

There were a couple of oddly painted "vehicles" on this street. It was like a trip back to the "70's".


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I saw the Allman Bros play on Cambridge Common one Sunday before their first album came out...

Buddy.. I know Cambridge.. .. Lots of hippie holdovers to this day, including a few birkenstock brokers ....

(Cambridge Common is adjacent to "Hah-vid Squay-ah"....for those not from 'The Hub".. )

Been doing a lot of condos lately in Cambridge and Somerville...

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Originally posted by Rob Amaral


I saw the Allman Bros play on Cambridge Common one Sunday before their first album came out...

Buddy.. I know Cambridge.. .. Lots of hippie holdovers to this day, including a few birkenstock brokers ....

(Cambridge Common is adjacent to "Hah-vid Squay-ah"....for those not from 'The Hub".. )

Been doing a lot of condos lately in Cambridge and Somerville...


As you know I usually only do one inspection per day. This past week I did two per day, all were condos! What's up with the condo market?


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