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I almost killed a kid today. . .


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While inspecting an electrical panel in a four-plex today, I removed the dead front cover from the panel--the panel was buried in the corner of the bedroom and the bed blocked full access--and kind of sort of dropped/threw the cover on the bed behind me.

While turning back to the panel to investigate its innerds, I sensed movement on the bed behind me.

Here is what I found.

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We became good friends.

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I'm glad nobody was hurt. You might want to re-think placing a panel cover on a bed. If you were in my home and the Korean Konnection saw you toss an electrical panel on top of the clean bed linen I can guaranty you you'd be sprinting down the street with her close behind swinging wildly with that cleaver she uses to divide up the cabbage heads for the kimchi she makes.

Come to think of it; I'd pay to see that. Hey Randy, can you come over to my place for a little bit; I've got a task for you? Hee, hee.



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I'm glad nobody was hurt. You might want to re-think placing a panel cover on a bed. If you were in my home and the Korean Konnection saw you toss an electrical panel on top of the clean bed linen I can guaranty you you'd be sprinting down the street with her close behind swinging wildly with that cleaver she uses to divide up the cabbage heads for the kimchi she makes.

Yes. Good points.

I'm very clean and respectful at jobsites. As I mentioned, this panel was buried in the corner and the bed was blocking the panel. I was able to wedge my leg in between the bed and wall and keep one leg outboard sort of stradling the corner of the room -- it's hard to describe. Anyway, once I was wedged, I was there. The panel was brand new and clean I didn't have a problem tossing that cover on the bed.

That kid, though, was totally buried under the blanket and I had no idea he was there! If I had tossed it just a few inches further, I would have had a crying critter on my hands.

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When the home owner is there during the inspection I ask if there is anyone else in the house and where are they at.

Me too. I ask stuff like;

Is there anybody sleeping in any of the rooms or anybody that might be on life support equipment hooked up to electricity?

Do I have full access to all spaces and rooms?

Is there anything I need to be aware of?

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or anybody that might be on life support equipment hooked up to electricity?


If so, did you have some sort of experience that makes you ask this question now......... do tell.

In new construction subdivisions, perhaps I should start asking if the place I am inspecting is the model home. I impressed no less than 4 agents when I tripped an exterior GFCI that supplied power to the garage; said garage may have been converted into an office. I killed power to several computers all with the push of a button. [:-paperba

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or anybody that might be on life support equipment hooked up to electricity?


If so, did you have some sort of experience that makes you ask this question now......... do tell.

In new construction subdivisions, perhaps I should start asking if the place I am inspecting is the model home. I impressed no less than 4 agents when I tripped an exterior GFCI that supplied power to the garage; said garage may have been converted into an office. I killed power to several computers all with the push of a button. [:-paperba

Never had an incident but while in my initial HI training the instructor mentioned it had been an issue. It had to do with tripping a circuit breaker that had important health care equipment connected to. Usually those critical components would have battery backups or at least you would hope.

I know what you mean about tripping GFCI's in occupied homes. I'm always wondering who's gonna get ticked off for whatever reason. One can never be totally sure what is on the circuits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I opened up a bedroom closet once and found a teenage boy in his underwear looking frightened. Apparently, the half naked teenage girl in the bed decided not to tell me or the buyers that she was having an afternoon delight and that I shouldn't be surprised when I opened up her closet to inspect its contents..

Apparently, the girls parents didn't tell her that the new buyer and the inspector were coming that day and she didn't answer the door, so we didn't think anyone was home. That was a pretty interesting inspection.

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