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Just found this on an inspection this afternoon and I thought you guys should see it.

I cant explain its purpose other than to cook hamburgers while one is working on the roof.

The little rack is made of rebar that some one welded together to hold logs and if you look close they use masonary nails in the sides to hold a rack.

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This picture was taken while standing on the roof

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This picture was taken from the ground

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Just found this on an inspection this afternoon and I thought you guys should see it.

I cant explain its purpose other than to cook hamburgers while one is working on the roof. . .

Why would you need this thing?

In Mesa, you could just put the burgers on the roof and they'd be cooked in a few minutes anyway.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Just found this on an inspection this afternoon and I thought you guys should see it.

I cant explain its purpose other than to cook hamburgers while one is working on the roof.

Ahhh, yes. Start a little romantic fire. Add a few lawn chairs, ice chest full of cold ones. Done at night when it's cool, of course. A lousy draft for that fire, I'm sure.

There was a stairway to that rooftop, was there?


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