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Deer Bit Me

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With the discussion on the GFCI thread about farm animals it reminded me of this old 911 call that was all over the internet 10+ years ago. It is one of the funnest things ever. If your offened by "bad" language be warned, but it is extremly funny.

Follow this link and scroll down till you see "Actual 911 Call" and click on the play button. It is audio only.


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(Deer beats crap out of hunter while buddy films it all [:)])

Yes, I watched that on TV last year. So when we came home and found a young buck swimming in our pool last fall, I was not keen to get in the way of those little sharp little spikes. In the end, though, the only way was to grab him in a bear hug and flip him up and out. He was pretty tired to let me do that. No, my wife did not film it, shucks.
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You're crazy.

I was in a knife fight with one I had wounded two hours before I got help to find it before the koyotes got the hind quarters.

No guns with us because We just knew it had died by then, and it was after dark.

The only way anyone could tell who won, was by who was standing at the end of the fight.

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You're crazy.

I was in a knife fight with one I had wounded two hours before I got help to find it before the koyotes got the hind quarters.

No guns with us because We just knew it had died by then, and it was after dark.

The only way anyone could tell who won, was by who was standing at the end of the fight.

Bowie knife and a loin cloth? Now that's a sporting attitude. [:)]

The deer we have here are the tame suburbanites, Coastal BlackTail deer I think they're called. About the size of a goat with a similar personality. Roosevelt Elk up in the bush, Whitetail and Muleys are over on the mainland.

Nice rack on that one, maybe he's still out there waiting for you.

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You're crazy.

I was in a knife fight with one I had wounded two hours before I got help to find it before the koyotes got the hind quarters.

No guns with us because We just knew it had died by then, and it was after dark.

The only way anyone could tell who won, was by who was standing at the end of the fight.

Bowie knife and a loin cloth? Now that's a sporting attitude. [:)]

Nice rack on that one, maybe he's still out there waiting for you.

More like, piss poor marksmanship and even worse judgement. [;)]

Too many locals know about that big one. I might try to get another picture of him tonight.

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I almost squished one that size with the company truck (day job) yesterday, he was every bit of 180, maybe more. He shot out across 4 lanes of traffic and actually paused right in front of the truck and looked right at me before taking off again. This was in a town where they actually close the schools on opening day, more than half the kids would be absent otherwise, someone is gonna be very happy I didn't mess up that rack with the front of my truck.

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