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What kind of beetle did this?

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Does anyone recognize this hole? It is too large for a powder post beetle. I just put "appears to be from a wood-boring beetle" in my report, but would like to know more. There are older holes in the sill on the lower right.

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Would a shot of Raid be a reasonable treatment?

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Does anyone recognize this hole? It is too large for a powder post beetle. I just put "appears to be from a wood-boring beetle" in my report, but would like to know more. There are older holes in the sill on the lower right.

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Would a shot of Raid be a reasonable treatment?

Usually, beetle exit holes are clean, not full of stuff. I find it interesting that the powder under the hole (on the sill) is a completely different texture than the stuff in the hole itself. I suspect that you're looking at an old hole that some other insect has recently appropriated. Perhaps a mason bee or small wasp.

I see no need for any treatment.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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John, but he's been dead this many a year.

And though the holes were rather small, they had to count them all.

IIRC. I just mentioned this attack on the house while showing them the pics of the rotten fascia boards and some other big ticket items.

What should we do? Shot of Raid, putty and paint. [:)]

Anyway, it really doesn't matter if I'm wrong or right, where I belong I'm right where I belong.

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