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Stupid computer question

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Unfortunately no, there is no bulb. It might be a loose connection though. If you got the extended warranty you might be able to get it fixed.

On thought, use this as the office computer and just hook a monitor up to it and get yourself another laptop.

But before you do anythying else, BACKUP EVERYTHING on the hard drive!!!!! You are probably on borrowed time with the laptop.

Kevin Teitel

House-Pro Inspections

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Have you tried dropping it again! I had a laptop sitting on our coffee table and our little 60lb Boarder Collie decided to attack the cat. Crash, boom and down goes the laptop on the tile floor. display goes out, lust like you are describing. I picked it up and slammed it back down on the table and Poof, the display came back on. This was two years ago and it is still going strong.

Ya can fix anything with a hammer and duct tape!

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Originally posted by Scottpat

Have you tried dropping it again! I had a laptop sitting on our coffee table and our little 60lb Boarder Collie decided to attack the cat. Crash, boom and down goes the laptop on the tile floor. display goes out, lust like you are describing. I picked it up and slammed it back down on the table and Poof, the display came back on. This was two years ago and it is still going strong.

Ya can fix anything with a hammer and duct tape!

WOULD YOU BELIEVE THAT F#$*ING WORKED! I just did exactly what you said, and poof! I'll keep you posted on the long-term effects.

BTW... been having a little trouble with the wife lately. should I try the same thing?

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Originally posted by chrisprickett

WOULD YOU BELIEVE THAT F#$*ING WORKED! I just did exactly what you said, and poof! I'll keep you posted on the long-term effects.

BTW... been having a little trouble with the wife lately. should I try the same thing?

Has her display been dim lately?

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Originally posted by chrisprickett

BTW... been having a little trouble with the wife lately. should I try the same thing?

I've never tried it myself, but I hear dropping the wife can be a very expensive proposition. Recommended only in extreme circumstances. [;)]

Brian G.

She Gets the Goldmine, You Get the Shaft [:-headach

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That's nuttin'! I just got a Blackbeery phone with a Bluetooth wireless headset. Know I look just like that geek who was walking around Inspection World talking to himself!

Blackerry wireless is the great equalizer. Now, we no longer have to wonder if that strange person talking to themselves is schizophrenic or not; we can just figure everyone is talking on their phone.

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