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Inspect Express reporting software

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Hello ladies and Guys!!!

I just want to shere with you about my Experience with this software

I have used diferent demos,but decided to go with " Inspect Express "

Who ever designed this software is Genious!!!!!!

Only after 1 and a half hours after i bought this software i feel comfortable!

When i need a tech support ( I'm not very good with Computers) It was answered to me less than 2 minutes !!!

I have never experiense this service from any software companys,If you looking for Software and support than you need to go with Inspect Express!!!!!!!

I have no finansial interest or perks writing this It's from the botom of my heart !!!

Thanks for all your adviices guys!!!!

Thanks to Inspect Express!!!

I'm exited like a kid It's a great Software with tech support when you need them!!!

Never a hold time !!!

If you guys still not sure what software to by.

Take a look this!!!!

Thanks All !!!!!!!!!!

Gene Stein

Assurant Inspections Beverly Hills

(323) 350-0455

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Originally posted by assurant

Hello ladies and Guys!!!

I just want to shere with you about my Experience with this software

I have used diferent demos,but decided to go with " Inspect Express "

Who ever designed this software is Genious!!!!!!

Only after 1 and a half hours after i bought this software i feel comfortable!

When i need a tech support ( I'm not very good with Computers) It was answered to me less than 2 minutes !!!

I have never experiense this service from any software companys,If you looking for Software and support than you need to go with Inspect Express!!!!!!!

I have no finansial interest or perks writing this It's from the botom of my heart !!!

Thanks for all your adviices guys!!!!

Thanks to Inspect Express!!!

I'm exited like a kid It's a great Software with tech support when you need them!!!

Never a hold time !!!

If you guys still not sure what software to by.

Take a look this!!!!

Thanks All !!!!!!!!!!

Gene Stein

Assurant Inspections Beverly Hills

(323) 350-0455


Does it include a spell check feature?

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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But if my horrible spelling is that bad , Just Ignore The post

That’s all.

But I’m trying the best I can !!!

Believe me this is the main problem I have

Since I have immigrated to States I did not know anything at all!!!

So I think I’m doing pretty good for a new guy to this Country and Profession

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If I may, IE is exactly the type of program that fellows like Gene need. It runs in MS Word, so it does have a spell checker as well as a grammar checker - although the grammar thingy is pretty wacked most of the time.

SOP's require one to observe certain things and describe them in the report, in addition to the issues encountered. Gene works through the engine by making choices from drop down lists. As he makes those choices, the program orders them into a specific sequence and produces a narrative text.

For instance, as Gene works through the Structure section he makes choices from drop-downs about how many stories the home has; whether it is attached/detached; the type of framing; whether it is single or multi-family; when it was constructed; number of bedrooms; number of kitchens; number of bathrooms; type of foundation; whether it is built over a basement, crawlspace, slab or on piers; stud spacing; size of studs; ceiling joists size; rafter size and spacing; whether the roof is a stick-built or manufactured truss assembly; how the walls and floors and roof are sheathed; and the type of supports posts found.

As the program strings the choices together in their sequence, the lead-ins and tail comments for every descriptive choice dovetail with the choices before and after to produce a narrative text. Here's the raw, unedited text the program produces for a two story home built in 1942 on a crawlspace:

The subject residence is a two-story detached, wood frame, single family dwelling, built about 1942. The residence has three bedrooms, one kitchen, two bathrooms and is built on a crawlspace. The structure is typical platform framing of 2 by 10 floor joists on 16-inch centers and the floors are sheathed with one-by sheathing. Wall framing is 2 by 4 studs on 16-inch centers sheathed with one-by sheathing. The ceiling joists are 2 by 6. The roof is a wood frame assembly, the rafters are 2 by 6 on 24-inch centers sheathed with skip sheathing. The building has wooden support columns. The foundation is conventional reinforced concrete design.

This is just the description. After working through the description drop downs, the user picks defects from a series of checkboxes. The program then takes the boilerplate and either strings it all together into a narrative paragraph or each issue can stand alone and be highlighted by a convention, depending on what the user chooses.

That's in narrative mode. There is a semi-narrative mode that produces a more linear report that is very similar in many respects to the InspectIt, 3D, InspectVue and other reports of that type.

Now, it isn't perfect - punctuation needs work and there are some tense and active/passive voice conflicts, but it does produce a written narrative that is understandable, won't embarrass the inspector, and provides the reader with the information needed.

To produce the text above, Gene would need to make about 30 seconds worth of choices, which you'll understand he'd much prefer to do, rather than labor over a keyboard trying to think how to write something and get it into proper context. For strong typists like you and I, that paragraph might only take 30 to 40 seconds to write, but for fellows like Gene it might take 10 to 15 minutes.

Those who have strong writing skills and can touch-type very fast, might not care to let a computer program like IE compose their reports for them. But, those who are still learning the English language or those with poor typing skills and folks trying to wean themselves off of years of using NCR checkbox type reports will be able to appreciate it like Gene does.




Gene, go into your options settings for Word and turn on your spell checker.

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Hi Don,

We did discuss making it Texas compliant, but I frankly don't know whether in it's current version it would be considered compliant by TAREI, because it's never been reviewed by them. I don't see why it wouldn't though, because when I was helping DevWave to figure out how to lay it out the ASHI, NAHI and TAREI sop's were what we used as the model in order to produce something that would be as complete as possible. We figured that if it complied fully with all three of those, that it would comply fully with all others as well.

That's why there are portions of the program that go into some details - appliances and air conditioners, for instance - that neither ASHI or NAHI SOPs require an inspector to do.

I suppose you could attach it as an enclosure to that 6-7 page report format you gys down there are required to do.



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