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Getting Over The Headaches of Marketing

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Like many home inspectors, over the past nine years I have seen my business go on a wild home inspection roller coaster. There were weeks in the 2007 year, where I had no idea where the next job was coming from to back in 2004 where I was turning away business. So what about the current market and moving forward?

I believe as the younger generations become older to where they can buy a home, how we obtain business will be much different. The younger generations are much more advanced in technology. This means as a home inspector I must become relevant with my customers. I have even seen the way my Real Estate Agents are starting to change with the technology.

So moving forward, I know that as a Home Inspector, I am going to have to market two types of customers heavily compared to previous years were I relied on Real Estate Agents that prefer using my services. This change will come easy to some home inspectors and some will call my blog post hogwash.

My Top 5 To Do's To Getting Over Marketing Headaches

1) Writing Real Estate Agents and my customers Personal Letters or Thank You Cards for their referral or business.

2) Supporting Real Estate Agents with New Tips on Technology. (Use Mail Chimp to send a specific letter of technology tips. Don't Spam)

3) I hired a Web Developer that cost nothing upfront to build a website and achieve Top Google Ranking. (This one was a little tricky but as we all know most seo companies make false promises. I paid nothing upfront to get ranking)

4) Video Marketing - I bought an iFlip to film some of my home inspections.

5) Network Meetings: Network, Network, Network. The more people that know you are the expert in the area. The more people that are going to refer you.

Okay, so I know some of these ideas have been said before. However, there was a lacking for me in some of these areas. I felt that I should be inspecting homes more than networking. However, when I changed the mentality I was able to receive many referrals from networking groups. That is just one item that has helped me grow my business where I was not putting in any effort.

I hope that these tips for marketing help you. If you have any ideas of your own I would appreciate the feed back. I know implementing these ideas help my http://www.qualityatlantahomeinspections.com/ grow to new levels.

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Where the heck is "Atlatna"?? Down in the middle of the first page.

Some interesting ideas Joe. I think what's helped me the most is staying in touch with past customers, i.e. part of your #1. Facebook helps with that as does the occasional post card (mass mailing personalized). Send Out Cards and Vista Print help make that easy.

# 5 also helps a heck of a lot. Can't call you to do something if I don't know who you are or how to contact you.

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Nearly every person that reads your post will go to your site. That is good and that is bad. Your site is awful; poor spelling, grammar, structure etc. I would not call you based on the pitiful site alone.

"Joe Griggs has a decade of thorough Atlanta Home Inspections under his belt. This experience will help provide you with an explanation of the reports and what may need to be fix on your home. We have an outstanding relationship within the Atlanta Community and we strive to achieve greatest on an individual inspection to inspection level. Joe Griggs has been recognized by several organizations locally in Atlanta and nationwide." just a small sample.

I'll venture you are using advice from other inspectors or inspector groups. Mostly they don't work. Solid general business principles are always appropriate for a home inspection business. Those principles do not have to be old fashioned or anti tech.

PS: I am always leary of an inspector that is a single person operation using "us" to describe their operation. I'm confused.

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Hate to pile on, but my favorite can be found on the front pages of the local sites...

"Purchasing a home is stressful for anyone. However, purchasing a home with our Alpharetta Home Inspection will make the homebuying experience a little stressful."

BTW..I'm also confused. Who is Damon Slate?

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Tough crowd round' here.

I too hate to pile on, but fire your web guy. Your keyword density for "Atlanta Home Inspection" is nearly 15%. You want no more than 2% or so of any keyword/phrase. In truth, your site is so badly keyword packed, I can't believe you haven't been blacklisted by Google as a spammer. Address this now, you don't want to face the fallout of being dinged.

You also have a broken php parse in your footer. Line 38. If you want to email me your footer.php file I'll be happy to take a look at it for you.

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