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How can you guys see some of this?


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Yeah, the construction industry has problems - serious problems - but we're home inspectors and not generally terribly well-liked or thought of anywhere on the planet except amongst ourselves. In all of the US and Canada there might be 30,000 of us.

Now, lets put it in perspective. I'm in Washington State and the largest demograph of workers in this state is construction with more than 300,000 workers, and we aren't even that populated a state. Multiply that times 50 and increase it based on population and HI's are less significant than a gnat to an elephant and have absolutely no political clout.

There's little we can do to have an impact other than keep writing up improper installations and hope that some of what we tell folks sinks in.



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Originally posted by stuccoman


And this is what we were told about it!!


Where is the justice!!!

And that only deals with hard coat stucco. They need to do another for EIFS.

I have one criticism, though. If the publishers of this slide show want to be taken seriously, they need to hire an English teacher to edit it. The spelling and punctuation errors were embarrassing. I suggest an English teacher because those people are usually underpaid and under appreciated.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Hard coat stucco is very rare around here, but that was interesting none the less. It's amazing how many of these are errors of the most basic type, violations of the simplest of building principles...like overlap of materials on outside walls and flashings at openings. The future of home inspection looks bright.

Brian G.

I Gotta Wear Shades [8D]

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Originally posted by Jim Katen

Originally posted by stuccoman


And this is what we were told about it!!


Where is the justice!!!

And that only deals with hard coat stucco. They need to do another for EIFS.

I have one criticism, though. If the publishers of this slide show want to be taken seriously, they need to hire an English teacher to edit it. The spelling and punctuation errors were embarrassing. I suggest an English teacher because those people are usually underpaid and under appreciated.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

Hows this Jim for EIFS?


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Originally posted by Jim Katen

Originally posted by stuccoman


And this is what we were told about it!!


Where is the justice!!!

Hows this for EIFS Jim???


And that only deals with hard coat stucco. They need to do another for EIFS.

I have one criticism, though. If the publishers of this slide show want to be taken seriously, they need to hire an English teacher to edit it. The spelling and punctuation errors were embarrassing. I suggest an English teacher because those people are usually underpaid and under appreciated.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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