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The Ideal Roost For Curmudgeons

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There's more info here. http://propertydisposal.gsa.gov/Resourc ... houses.pdf

It's not just parking. There's no power. What about water and what do you do with waste? In the old days they dumped it into the ocean and there were outhouses on the rampart that emptied directly into the bay. Do that now and you'd get arrested. Those are tricky.

There were 4 similar ones sold last year in Chesapeake Bay. Not sure what they went for but I'm sure the GSA knows. Here's more info:

http://home.hamptonroads.com/stories/st ... &ran=17003

OT - OF!!!


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4 of these, on the VA side of the bay, went up for auction last year.

I read one was purchased by a Minnesota contractor for $170,000. It's currently being renovated within preservation and navigation specifications. These are still active, working, automated lighthouses, including horns that sound every 15 seconds night and day. I don't know the details, but plumbing fixtures are going into this one.


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  • 4 weeks later...

What a dream location to have an inspection school. No distractions for miles around out there. You could build multi-stage structur displays and do it all.

I've actually thought about buying one of those before and have the missilebases.com website bookmarked. There's a whole lot of nothing out there on the other side of the mountains. If I owned one, I'd like to be able to come outside and enjoy the scenery every once in a while - not stare at scrub brush. Something like this in upstate New York would be more like it< but I can't get Chad to be the majority (90%) shareholder.



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Originally posted by hausdok

What a dream location to have an inspection school. No distractions for miles around out there.



Noooo, no, no....Living like mole people underground in blast resistant concrete bunkers would get pretty stale; I mean, can you imagine living w/a bunch of stinky home inspector's? Yeeeesh....

Let's stick w/the lighthouse thing, w/the cut stone structures nestled up against a big body of water. Cast iron circular stairway to the top of the lighthouse.

Have a Zen awareness workshop in the lighthouse every morning while the sun comes up. Build experimental energy efficient housing, perform building envelope studies, undertake meaningful research on pertinent building science issues of the day, you know, that sort of thing.

Have a little shop off to the side for boat construction; too much house stuff all the time puts me off my feed. We gotta have it so we can mess around in boats.

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Easy 'ol buddy,

I'm not deserting that idea. (By the way - SHHHHH!!!!).

I hadn't finished with that post. See the change above. Thanks to an idiot who put his hands on my computer (Long story, don't ask), I've been using an 8-year old computer the last couple of days and it keeps locking up and won't let me back in and so forth. Really screwing me up. It's like going from using a Klingon war bird to an old velocipede for transportation.



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Have a little shop off to the side for boat construction; too much house stuff all the time puts me off my feed. We gotta have it so we can mess around in boats.

You build the boats, I'll go fishing in them. [:-captain

Brian G.

Master of Personal Sacrifice [;)]

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  • 3 weeks later...


So I just checked the status of these. The auction was supposed to close on April 14th but the government apparently extended it because they didn't like the low bids (my assumption).

The bid on the Sandy Shoales Lighthouse is up to $30,000

The bid on the Baltimore Harbor Lighthouse is up to $45,000

The bid on the Reserve center in Indiana (that's another thread) is up to $125,000 - Still a decent price, I think, for a facility of that quality and size.

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I just checked the status of these today. The auction is apparently still open on the lighthouses.

The bid on the Sandy Shoales Lighthouse is up to $35,000

The bid on the Baltimore Harbor Lighthouse is up to $50,000

The bid on the Reserve center in Indiana has been frozen at $125,000. I think that one is closed but hasn't been updated. Not bad.

OT - OF!!!


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