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Excellent Low-Risk Reroof Article in FHB


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Just finished reading Stephen Hazlett's article, "Low-Risk Reroof", in the latest Fine Hombuilding. I strongly recommend it!

And I couldn't help notice that the pictures were taken by Daniel Morrison! How could the article be anything but quality.[^] Great job!

(I put this topic in the 'chimney' forum too. It does a nice job on flashing!)

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Hi Gary,

Thanks for that. As an alternative to going out and hunting down the mag, folks can also reach that article online by clicking here.

However, if they are not already a FHB online subscriber, they won't be able to get to it unless they sign up for membership. Membership is $39.95 a year - just a couple dollars more a year than a print subscription - so they won't have to trek down to the market to pick up the mag, or worry that the mailman will bogart an issue and they'll end up calling to have another copy sent 3 months late. To sign up for an online subscription to Fine Homebuilding Online, click here.

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  • 1 year later...
Originally posted by Bain

Hey, Mike,

I've heard the word Bogart used a time or two, but being uncool, I'm not really sure what it means or where it comes from(Unless Humphrey had a bad habit I'm unaware of.).

Enlighten me, please.


Don't bogart that joint my friend

Pass it over to me

Don't bogart that joint my friend

Pass it over to me

Roll another one

Just like the other one

You've been holding on to it

And I sure will like a hit


Roll another one

Just like the other one

That one's burned to the end

Come on and be a real friend

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Originally posted by Bain

Hey, Mike,

I've heard the word Bogart used a time or two, but being uncool, I'm not really sure what it means or where it comes from(Unless Humphrey had a bad habit I'm unaware of.).

Enlighten me, please.

Bogart, in this context, means "keep it for your own self." Not to be confused with ripoff.

Following are the lyrics to "Don't Bogart that Joint," from the Easy Rider soundtrack.

Don't bogart that joint my friend

Pass it over to me

Don't bogart that joint my friend

Pass it over to me

Roll another one

Just like the other one

You've been holding on to it

And I sure will like a hit

Roll another one

Just like the other one

That one's burned to the end

Come on and be a real friend

Never partook. Really,


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