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Buried L.B's


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For some reason, that just didn't look right to me.

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New house, service entrance conductors in one and cable in the other.

I'll call the Safety Codes Officer (SCO) tomorrrow for a clarification. I'm hoping he talks about possible moisture entry and inapproriate direct burial fittings etc.

Otherwise, I'm having crow for supper....again.

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Are we saying the L.B's are listed for direct burial in gravel?

I know they are gasketed and in theory should be weathertight but in this location wouldn't they be susceptible to leakage? I'm thinking of snow accumulation remaining on and around them for an extended period of time.

I'm not sure and will ask about distances above grade requirements.

Should be interesting.

Wasn't thinking about access, good point.

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SCO comment

1. They require accessibility (as Douglas mentioned). Got to remember that word.

2. They are not approved for damp location and underground is considered damp.

Does that sum it up or is there another issue?

Makes you wonder how it got passed.

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Sorry Douglas,

You'll have to type a little slower cause if there ever was a weak link in my training, electricity is it.

When you say LISTED do you mean the L.B. is a fitting approved for damp locations?

And if it is approved then the only concern is the accessability isssue, right?

So, the discussion would be around the definition of 'accessability'.

Anyway, without beating the code issue to death, how would you write this up in a report to reflect the existing condition.

Mike, I'm aware of the ban but thought making a reference in type was allowed, unless I've missed something previouly discussed.

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Generally speaking LB's are installed high enough, in the rim joist generally, that they are both accessible and above snow level.

If they were below ground in the winter and surrounded with ice, would they be considered accessible? (Big Smile)

Or for that matter does accessible mean visible under all weather conditions?

I share the same concern about penetrating a foundation under grade. Overall a poor installation and I've written it up as Further Evaluate.

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Originally posted by Douglas Hansen

Oh heck Mike, you've got me acclimated to the darn things now. I'm learning to focus past all the other stuff.

There you go Douglas, pay them no attention.

Okay, I had my little fun. Looking at that almost gave me a headache.id="Script MT Bold">

Brian G.id="Script MT Bold">

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Originally posted by Douglas Hansen

Mike - I have more sinister revenge in mind. I'm going to dare those guys to click on this link>


First click drops the penguin, second click swats it. My high score so far, 320.5. Scott and Brian's customers are gonna have to wait for those overdue reports.

I'll have to get back to you on that one Douglas, I have clients piled up like good intentions at the moment, and the tournaments get all of my spare minutes.

Brian G.

Flailing Away

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That screen copy feature is the one thing I've seen in later windows versions that I wished I had. Kewl!

Good to have you back Douglas. The Korean Konnection couldn't figure out why I was in the kitchen mixing up semtex and making detonators. Now I can toss that stuff.

OT - OF!!!



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