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Habitat Home Abandoned Due to Mold


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Does it matter how she discovered a problem? One should be more concerned about the quality of these homes foisted upon unknowing people in compromised financial circumstances. By a very large corporation no less. Whose poster boy is a former United States president.

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Originally posted by RAB

Does it matter how she discovered a problem? One should be more concerned about the quality of these homes foisted upon unknowing people in compromised financial circumstances. By a very large corporation no less. Whose poster boy is a former United States president.

Yeah Randy, I've made a fortune from the HFH projects I've worked on over the years. You should get in on the big scam.

Insulting the many thousands who have invested pools of sweat equity is more annoying than the sentence fragments. Whose poster boy we now know.(sic)

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Originally posted by RAB

Does it matter how she discovered a problem? One should be more concerned about the quality of these homes foisted upon unknowing people in compromised financial circumstances. By a very large corporation no less. Whose poster boy is a former United States president.

In my experience people who make accusations against builders based upon religious visions are at least one notch below the top on the reliability scale.

These are the same people who're likely to have dreams about "omissions" in the reports of home inspectors.

I like to steer clear of the religious vision crowd.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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