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I will be joining NAHI. My instructor at my recent training suggested if I wanted to take the NAHI exam I should do it ASAP while the info is still fresh in my head.

I looked around for info about the NAHI exam but could not find any. Does a NAHI exam exist and if so, what would be the benefits of passing it and where do I find info about it? Unless I missed it did not see anything about an exam at nahi.org

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NAHI will also allow the NHIE exam to qualify for their membership. If your state is going to require you to take an exam, I would take the NHIE as it is also used by the majority of states that have licensing. You don't have to wait to take the NHIE, but it would be advisable to get some inspections under your belt.

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I'll chime in w/Scott. Take the NHIE.

You can, at minimum, say you have taken a real test, one that is accepted by several state licensing agencies, and that has been developed over several years w/rigorous overview and accepted test creation practices.

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Im soaking up all the suggestions. Thanks to everyone for participating. I will look into the NHIE exam as well.


Part of my thoughts about building a business included developing business relationships with other inspectors in my area. If positive alliances can be achieved I would refer overflow work to other specific inspectors. In turn I would hope they would do the same for me.

I am currently still working a full time job and my plan is to do home inspections part time. I am sure at some point in time my marketing efforts may produce more work than I can handle.

I currently have all day Friday and all day Sunday available to take jobs. In addition to that I frequently finish my obligations to my other employer in the early afternoon so evening jobs during any of the longer days of the seasons are not out of the question.

As I am ramping up there is a way you can help me. It would be very helpful for me to be able to accompany you on a job or two in the area. Of coarse it would be on your terms. If you want me to do the dirty work, I'll do the dirty work. If you want me to stand there and keep my mouth shut, I'll do that.

I am currently available all day Fridays. Thank you for reaching out. Lets talk.

My email;


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I looked into the NHIE and I paid my $225 fee and am scheduled to take the exam in Baltimore City August 10th.

Thanks for pointing out this one to me. It covers the test requirements for both NAHI and ASHI. Why take one of those two when the NHIE covers both? I know there are other requirements for memberships but at least this one test covers more than one base.

If any of you could aim me at additional study material that would be great.

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Study all of the Code Check books. Be familiar with common electrical issue; common plumbing problems; common safety issues around a home; all types of heating and cooling systems; roof construction; foundation construction; and basic light construction.

If you go to the EBPHI website, you can download the domains that the test will cover.


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Originally posted by AHI

Im soaking up all the suggestions. Thanks to everyone for participating. I will look into the NHIE exam as well.


Part of my thoughts about building a business included developing business relationships with other inspectors in my area. If positive alliances can be achieved I would refer overflow work to other specific inspectors. In turn I would hope they would do the same for me.

I am currently still working a full time job and my plan is to do home inspections part time. I am sure at some point in time my marketing efforts may produce more work than I can handle.

I currently have all day Friday and all day Sunday available to take jobs. In addition to that I frequently finish my obligations to my other employer in the early afternoon so evening jobs during any of the longer days of the seasons are not out of the question.

As I am ramping up there is a way you can help me. It would be very helpful for me to be able to accompany you on a job or two in the area. Of coarse it would be on your terms. If you want me to do the dirty work, I'll do the dirty work. If you want me to stand there and keep my mouth shut, I'll do that.

I am currently available all day Fridays. Thank you for reaching out. Lets talk.

My email;


I started out like you. I had a full time job as a LAN/WAN Engineer working nights. The good thing was I had days off to do inspections. Although, I didn't get very much sleep.

I don't mind you riding along on a few inspections. I will let you know when is a good time.

Take care and good luck on the NHIE!!


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Originally posted by Kevin A. Richardson

Originally posted by AHI

Im soaking up all the suggestions. Thanks to everyone for participating. I will look into the NHIE exam as well.


Part of my thoughts about building a business included developing business relationships with other inspectors in my area. If positive alliances can be achieved I would refer overflow work to other specific inspectors. In turn I would hope they would do the same for me.

I am currently still working a full time job and my plan is to do home inspections part time. I am sure at some point in time my marketing efforts may produce more work than I can handle.

I currently have all day Friday and all day Sunday available to take jobs. In addition to that I frequently finish my obligations to my other employer in the early afternoon so evening jobs during any of the longer days of the seasons are not out of the question.

As I am ramping up there is a way you can help me. It would be very helpful for me to be able to accompany you on a job or two in the area. Of coarse it would be on your terms. If you want me to do the dirty work, I'll do the dirty work. If you want me to stand there and keep my mouth shut, I'll do that.

I am currently available all day Fridays. Thank you for reaching out. Lets talk.

My email;


I started out like you. I had a full time job as a LAN/WAN Engineer working nights. The good thing was I had days off to do inspections. Although, I didn't get very much sleep.

I don't mind you riding along on a few inspections. I will let you know when is a good time.

Take care and good luck on the NHIE!!


Thats totally awsome Kevin. Thanks a bunch. Shoot me an email and Ill send back my phone #. At this point the weekday I am available is Friday except for Aug 10th which is my test date. I can be available almost any other weekday with a day or two advance notice. I just need enough time to submit a leave slip. Im looking forward to hearing from you.

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  • 1 year later...

I wonder why someone would tell you to take the NHIE, unless they were ASHI members, on the NHIE board or similar. You don't have to wait till you get 50 inspections under your belt to take the NAHI. I'm surprised one of the other guys on this site that responded to you didn't tell you that.

Many of my friends and past students have taken the NAHI or NHIE for credentialism OR mainly to test their knowledge.

Its about equally divided as to my students thoughts on the 2 tests. Some of our students say the NAHI exam was more stringent and actually tested you more REAL WORLD on what an inspector really does - others said the NHIE did. id="black">

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Originally posted by DLRambo

I wonder why someone would tell you to take the NHIE, unless they were ASHI members, on the NHIE board or similar. You don't have to wait till you get 50 inspections under your belt to take the NAHI. I'm surprised one of the other guys on this site that responded to you didn't tell you that.

Actually Scott Patterson told him that in post #5.

I tell folks to take the NHIE all the time and I'm not a member of any organization.

The NHIE is a test that's not given by a home inspector association, it's psychometrically valid, it's got a long history, it's put together by inspectors from all associations as well as independents, and it's legally defensible. That's all I need to know to recommend it.

I've heard that the NAHI CRI exam is supposed to be psychometrically valid but I've never seen any documents to prove it; then too, it's an association's test. Isn't there already too much "mine is bigger than yours" out there?

When another test can meet all of that criteria, I'll recommend that one too.



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The North Carolina Licensing Board was making noises that it may replace its state test with the NHIE test. The idea was it costs too much money to keep the NC test current and valid. The drawback would be the state would loose revenue from testing since it would be done by by a third party.

Oddly enough the board reported last month that applications to take the test were down 75% when compared to same period last year. Wonder why less people are lining up to become home inspectors in this ecomony? [:D]

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