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Gulfstream ASHI

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It ain't over until the fat lady sings. I have chosen, for my own reasons, to participate in the ASHI Experience. I'll not promote nor defend that choice. I will let it play out. End of that story. As to the subject of Gulfstream ASHI, yes there is a move afoot to disband the chapter. What I find particularly disturbing is the fact that two past presidents of the chapter are heading this effort. One has been banned from this forum and the other contributes little to nothing toward the betterment of the chapter.They have their own reasons and I respect them. As to the future of Gulfstream ASHI, I don't know. Although I do care and wish to see the chapter prosper, given the diverse views of some of the members and candidates, it's future is somewhat in question. Regardless of what happens it won't effect my business in the least. I'm proud to be an ASHI member but I'm not here for the purpose of encouraging anyone to join ASHI or any other HI association. Do that which suits your purpose and goals best. Wouldn't our life as HIs be easier if all of the associations could come together with a consensus standard of practice, entrance requirement, and goal for the future of HIs individually and as an industry? I know I'm asking too much.


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Originally posted by Norm, in part

Wouldn't our life as HIs be easier if all of the associations could come together with a consensus standard of practice, entrance requirement, and goal for the future of HIs individually and as an industry?


It sure would, but then, those few who insist that they be more equal than all of us other equals wouldn't have their soapboxes for personal edification. For some, this isn't about inspecting buildings, it's about being on a pedestal. Until that goes away, we'll continue to have dissent amongst organizations.

I'm not holding my breath.

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Originally posted by Norm

As to the subject of Gulfstream ASHI, yes there is a move afoot to disband the chapter. What I find particularly disturbing is the fact that two past presidents of the chapter are heading this effort.

Although I do care and wish to see the chapter prosper, given the diverse views of some of the members and candidates, it's future is somewhat in question.

What a God-awful price is being paid for a marketing program. How sad and unneccessary.

Wouldn't our life as HIs be easier if all of the associations could come together with a consensus standard of practice, entrance requirement, and goal for the future of HIs individually and as an industry?

Why Norm, I never took you for a starry-eyed dreamer. Just wishing though, I understand...if only we could the damn humans out of the equation.

Brian G.

On ASHI "Administrative Suspension"

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Originally posted by Brian G.

Originally posted by Norm

As to the subject of Gulfstream ASHI, yes there is a move afoot to disband the chapter. What I find particularly disturbing is the fact that two past presidents of the chapter are heading this effort.

Although I do care and wish to see the chapter prosper, given the diverse views of some of the members and candidates, it's future is somewhat in question.

What a God-awful price is being paid for a marketing program. How sad and unneccessary.

[brian G.

On ASHI "Administrative Suspension"

It has nothing to do with a "marketing program." You would have to know the unique individuals involved in order to understand it. When I was President of ASHI, I visited many Chapters, including Gulfstream. That was the only visit where people were actually somewhat rude to me. Not everyone, but just a few.

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Originally posted by mcramer

It has nothing to do with a "marketing program." You would have to know the unique individuals involved in order to understand it. When I was President of ASHI, I visited many Chapters, including Gulfstream. That was the only visit where people were actually somewhat rude to me. Not everyone, but just a few.

I hope I am not being rude, but it does have to do with the "marketing program". I left ASHI and Gulfstream ASHI because of the marketing program. And I know two others who left ASHI because of the marketing program. They are still members of Gulfstream whatever.

As to being rude when you came to visit our chapter I'm sorry but I don't remember that happening. And there are only two people that I think would be rude and they were not.

Why would you bring up an incident that happened long ago, that no one would remember, and put doubt into the readers mind as to the legitimacy of the chapters actions?


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Originally posted by mcramer

It has nothing to do with a "marketing program." You would have to know the unique individuals involved in order to understand it.

Well, I certainly can't claim to "know" from this distance, but if one has nothing to do with the other the coincidental timing is extraodinary. I'll leave that debate to those in the vicinity.

Brian G.

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You are correct. Leave it to the local folks.


You are absolutely correct (so what's new)? We here in S. Florida have a very diverse mix of individuals with different agendas.

As to the rest of you I will not post further regarding this subject as it would only be food for frenzy. What will happen to Gulfstream ASHI is, in my opinion, not a productive topic for discussion on this forum. Those of you who wish to pursue the matter can do so without my input. I prefer to help may fellow HIs with their quest for knowledge which will make them better inspectors. The latter is, I thought, the purpose of this forum not gossip and innuendo


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I've gladly donated countless hours to my local chapter, wearing many different hats, so I know what it takes to make a go of it. It aint easy and there isn't always a lot of recognition for your efforts. Nobody is happy when an endeavor like that fails or takes an unexpected left turn. I didn't see this thread turning unproductive or gossippy, though I suppose it certainly could have.

Regardless, it is newsworthy and the story behind how this chapter disintegrated (if it ultimately does) will contain lessons for all HI's and our beloved org's. There is a meaningful discussion to be had here and I hope to see it. If there is a chest-thumping bitch-fest in the offing, I hope not to see it.

Gotta respect the way you take the high road, though. Less traffic, nicer view...I oughta try it more often.

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I prefer to help may fellow HIs with their quest for knowledge which will make them better inspectors. The latter is, I thought, the purpose of this forum not gossip and innuendo



I could not have said it better myself. I respect your position and decision

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Midwest Pro-ASHI Chapter has the same sort of pains going on as in Gulfstream ASHI.

Several of our longtime members have dropped out of ASHI. Partly because of "Branding", partly due to being fed up with what they consider ASHI Politics.

Among others that have dropped out are last years Chapter President; last years Chapter Vice President; our current Chapter Vice President; our immediate Past Treasurer; one of last years COR Reps; and our Chapter Membership Committe Chair.

"Branding" was not the only reason, it was just the icing on the cake.

We have another ASHI Chapter in close proximity to us, and they seem to have a goal to break down our Chapter and get us under their wing so they can control HI's in the west half of Missouri and most of Kansas. We've been highly anti-licensing, they've been pro-licensing. That seems to have gained them some favor with National ASHI.

Unfortunately, National has played into their hands beautifully. Every year for 4-5 years now they've filed etics complaints with National ASHI against our chapter or members of our chapter. The last complaint they filed was because we held our annual seminar the same month they had theirs and they didn't make as much as they'd planned on. Over the past few years they've complained about our Chapter name, our choice of meeting nights, even about Chapter Flyers we gave out. One of the flyers we gave out said "Professional or Amateur, Its Your Choice When Choosing A Home Inspector". The flyer then listed all the Midwest Pro-ASHI Chapter Members. They wanted ASHI to make us quit giving those flyers out (it seems they felt we were besmirching anyone not part of our Chapter).

This other chapter also had neat little marketing ideas to help increase their chapters size like giving multi-man companies group discounts to switch chapters; or offering 2 years FREE membership in their chapter to any of our members that attended their annual seminar; or offering to pay the 2nd half of the "Branding" dues if our members would switch chapters.

We've for the most part simply ignored them. I'm not sure why exactly but the "Branding" with increased dues just simply seemed to be the catalyst that pushed some of our guys over the edge.

With ASHI's Policy of guests may attend 2 meetings then must join ASHI, many of our guys are starting to go to the bi-monthly meetings of NAHI,NACHI or KAREI (Kansas Inspectors) because they welcome all inspectors, etc.

Dan Bowers, CRI

ASHI #1038

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What Scott said. O'Handley has the right idea w/ the "One Team-One Fight" mantra.

Put 2 home inspectors in seperate automobiles, put them @ the same intersection, & there will be a collision. Put normal people in a rush hour w/ a million cars, & everyone gets to where they want w/out too much fuss. What is it w/ HI's?

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Originally posted by kurt

Put 2 home inspectors in seperate automobiles, put them @ the same intersection, & there will be a collision. Put normal people in a rush hour w/ a million cars, & everyone gets to where they want w/out too much fuss. What is it w/ HI's?


Brian G.

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