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If you do tri-fold flyers...


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I have a decent website established, but exposure is limited, at best. I have a few realtors who have agreed to spread my flyers around.

So I took it upon myself to make up a pretty decent looking flyer on MS Word. It took a lot of time, but I'm pleased with it. Trouble is, it is expensive to print color!

For those of you that have color flyers, how much are you paying per sheet? My A/E employer's color printer/copier is an option, but even they want $1.00 per flyer. Is this about the best deal I'll find?

It's color and double sided, and that's what the shops tell me drives the price so high. [:(]

Any other suggestions, let me know. I like my flyer, it's better than the other guys around here. But now I know why. It's expensive.

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I feel your pain brother Konrad!

Last year I had a graphic designer "design" me a brochure. It cost me $1500 all total to get it designed and edited.

Then the print cost for 500 was about $600.

This year, I went a different route. A local graphic designer is a member of our COC and I contacted him. He came TO MY HOME and sit down and listened to what I WANTED. He put together a nice brochure for my 1 year warranty inspections. I ordered 10,000. The total price for design, layout, printing, delivery, etc. was $1400. The brochures should be here tomorrow or Thursday and I'll let you know how the quality is. If they look as good as the proof, I'll be very excited!

Meanwhile, take a look at his website at http://www.budgetbrochures.com

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I'm just about ready to place an order for 10,000 and they cost me a little over .13 a piece. I caution using an internet source. I've proofed mine three times and there's still things I'd change.

I use a local guy, who is very good, and very reasonable. Email me and I'l put you in contact with him.

Don't try to save money going on the cheap. You'll get crap that prospects won't take serious, and you'll be just wasting your money.

Do four-color, full-bleed, and use heavy (at least 80 lb) paper. Trust me, don't focus on saving a few bucks, focus on putting out high quality material! And buy bulk. 500 is about 10 times the cost , per piece, as 10,000.

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Originally posted by Konrad

I have a decent website established, but exposure is limited, at best. I have a few realtors who have agreed to spread my flyers around.

You've got a website? Well where is it man? You must turn the nit-picking hounds loose on it, it's the law. And a toe-hold too...well, it won't take long to find out who's with you and who's not.

For those of you that have color flyers, how much are you paying per sheet?

I did mine on a brochure program that came with my computer. One color photo on the front, then just blocks of color behind some of the text to break it up. I found that by rotating the block colors I could print them on my photo printer for about 50 cents each. I did use a much heavier paper than anyone else (card stock, with tiny flecks of color) to make a better impression. In my little market, I just don't need a lot of these. Plus I can make changes at will as I add or alter services. That's worked for me, but I'm sure it wouldn't for most.

Brian G.

Mini-Market Mogul [:-tophat]

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I had mine done at http://www.custompostcardsdirect.com/index.htm . They are running a special for $495 for 5000 dbl sided full color (100lb glossy stock). I think it was $475 when I had mine done. Sent them a pdf file of both sides and voila!

I delivered about 1200 of them to realtors mid last year and that's the last time I've used them in any quantity. BTW...results from that were basically zilch. I am not an agressive marketer and had a pretty slow first year. The client and agent referral snowball finally gained momentum last month and I'm currently getting all the business this old fart wants. I had to turn down a couple this month and I'm actually considering "training" someone!

Anyway...I have a real deal on about 3000 pre-printed brochures if you have a lot of white-out!

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10,000 ? Wow, that seems like a lot to me. Just to get a feel for what I should be doing (or expecting), I'm planning on just doing 1,000 because:

1. I have a full time job, and HI's are a side business.

2. My town is about 225,000 people, and I guess I'm not sure what the demand truly is around here.

In your opinion, is 1,000 way too few? I've only been in contact with two realtors, but one of the asked for 500. Hopefully he won't just toss them in the can. [:-bigeyes2]

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Brian, no the guy isn't part of a franchise. He started the company locally after being put out to pasture by a tech company. I'm sure he can work over email or the phone with you if someone was out of town or out of state.

You'll be able to get the brochures cheaper because I had to pay taxes here.

He's personally delivering them tomorrow afternoon. I'll let you know how they turned out.


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Our new brochures arrived yesterday. They look great!

We got about 200 in the mail today.

Curtis was great to work with as opposed to the lady I chose last year. Tip: if the graphic artist you choose does not listen to your ideas and keeps trying to sell you on their "artist impressions", move on! Curtis knows how to design a freakin brochure that catches attention.


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Thanks for all the replies you guys. (And private messages too).

There's a local print shop that is setting up to do a production run of 1,000 for me, for $450.00. While it's not the best price, they are right down the block from where I work, and that means something to me.

I imagine 1,000 will be more than enough, considering I work full time for the A/E firm.

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Yeah Scott - I found the quality of printing good - how did yours turn out?

Just found a local guy who will design and first run brochures for $700 or so. He will do a template based web site for 500. Very professional guy, extensive background in marketing. He does packaging for local products. I'm not telling who he is - find him yourself Scott.[:D]


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Originally posted by Donald Lawson

Brian, no the guy isn't part of a franchise. He started the company locally after being put out to pasture by a tech company.

Gee, I know all about that. All too familiar with this situation. I spent about 40,000 on an education to the MBA level and committed 15 years to the IT field, 8.5 of it with Sprint, only to be sold to the lowest overseas bidder. Working for corporate america blows. Never again for this guy. I'll starve working for myself before I crawl back to corporate america and beg some 30 year old sniveling punk [:-censored] executive for a job.

But hey, I'm not bitter... [:D]


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Originally posted by IntegrityFirst

Originally posted by Donald Lawson

Working for corporate america blows. Never again for this guy. I'll starve working for myself before I crawl back to corporate america and beg some 30 year old sniveling punk [:-censored] executive for a job.

Yeah, what he said....and some other stuff too. [:-dev3]

Brian G.

Gee Dan, don't you have any strong feelings?

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Originally posted by charlieb


Yeah Scott - I found the quality of printing good - how did yours turn out?

Just found a local guy who will design and first run brochures for $700 or so. He will do a template based web site for 500. Very professional guy, extensive background in marketing. He does packaging for local products. I'm not telling who he is - find him yourself Scott.[:D]


OK I have to fess up!

Charlie is the one who told me about 48hourprint.com. Kudos to Charlie

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Originally posted by IntegrityFirst

I'll try not to post late at night after brewing beer anymore!

Don't do that, just wait until you're really in the mood and do a Flame n' Blame on Sprint / corporate America. Sold you out overseas for a buck eh? Why do I doubt if anyone here is shocked by that? Too much of corporate America pledges alligence to the dollar, not the country.

Brian G.

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Don't do that, just wait until you're really in the mood and do a Flame n' Blame on Sprint / corporate America. Sold you out overseas for a buck eh? Why do I doubt if anyone here is shocked by that?

Great idea! Actually, I would like to flame n' blame management at Sprint more than anything.

All the way up until the Friday prior to being walked out the door, I was told by my managers that I was a "valued employee" in a highly critical area and that they could not replace me easily. HA!! I guess it is partly my fault for being so naive and gullible.

Too much of corporate America pledges alligence to the dollar, not the country.

Amen, brother! It is all about padding the pockets of the company big shots you never see and only hear about on the news about how corrupt they are. Does the name Bill Esery ring any bells??? [:-dunce]

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