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Realtors Want to Add Chinese Drywall to Disclosure


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From lead-based paint to radon gas and mold, homeowners in Florida have signed their fair share of disclosure forms when buying and selling real estate.

Now, Realtors throughout Southwest Florida are taking steps to add Chinese manufactured drywall to that list.

“We have a lot of disclosures but we want to make sure the public knows what’s going on,â€

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From lead-based paint to radon gas and mold, homeowners in Florida have signed their fair share of disclosure forms when buying and selling real estate.

Now, Realtors throughout Southwest Florida are taking steps to add Chinese manufactured drywall to that list.

“We have a lot of disclosures but we want to make sure the public knows what’s going on,â€

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It has nothing to do with disclosure and everything to do with realtors isolating themselves from disputes between sellers and buyers.

If they wanted disclosure, they would require drywall samples be analyzed.

By hanging to the "seller has no knowledge of the presence" stuff, what's getting disclosed? Only that the seller doesn't know anything.

Try proving that someone knows something.

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It has nothing to do with disclosure and everything to do with realtors isolating themselves from disputes between sellers and buyers.

If they wanted disclosure, they would require drywall samples be analyzed.

By hanging to the "seller has no knowledge of the presence" stuff, what's getting disclosed? Only that the seller doesn't know anything.

Try proving that someone knows something.


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Here's more on this issue - Ed.


By ED BALDRIDGE - ed.baldridge@newssun.com

SEBRING -- Mary and Ryan Willis are newlyweds who had a dream of their own home.

A nice yard, a patio where they could share time together, enjoy their growing careers and raise two well-behaved cats.

In short, a place to grow old together. And they thought they had that until a month ago.

That's when they discovered that the drywall in their house was defective. Now, they may have to tear their dream home apart and start over.

To read the rest of the article in the NewsSun.com, click here.

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