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TIJ Sponsor's Press Release

Dear Inspectors Journal Reader,

Times have been tough…especially for inspectors and contractors. However, even in the best of times, most inspectors and contractors are overwhelmed by the business side of their business. Even when you go to the classes and join the groups, the “fixâ€

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Being successful in business isn't rocket science. Become active in the community and meet people. After you're done meeting people get out and meet more folks. Put on PowerPoint presentations (I know lightning is going to strike me) at Realtors offices. After your done with that get active in the community and meet more people. Sponsor a little league team. Get active in the local 4th of July parade. Treat your business like you're running for office.

Climb on board now before I setup a web site and start charging for this.

(psst, people buy from good people)

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Ellen, et al

I may as well live up to my reputation as an ass and mention the "letter" Ellen posted does not seem to read right. Who was the author? What did she pair up or did she pare something? etc.

I am being very serious when I say that her idea and concept is good and I'll bet you she can pull it off and provide a very meaningful service and product! The real problem might be to clearly identify your potential customers and address them. (same problem all home inspectors have)

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Mass. licensed home inspectors would get a public whipping for running a 'picture show' in a realtors office.

Our marketing money and energy should be directed to buyers. This DOES NOT include Listing brokers/agents.

There are many Real Estate professionals who work for the buyers. Attys-Mortgage people-True buyers brokers. I would spend my time with these folks. [:-banghea[:-banghea

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Mass. licensed home inspectors would get a public whipping for running a 'picture show' in a realtors office.

Our marketing money and energy should be directed to buyers. This DOES NOT include Listing brokers/agents.

There are many Real Estate professionals who work for the buyers. Attys-Mortgage people-True buyers brokers. I would spend my time with these folks. [:-banghea[:-banghea

Whatever puts cash money in the pocket.

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