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my opinion of the inspectors journal

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I have spent hours surfing the web looking for info on the home inspectors biz ,in that time I haven't found one percent of the info thats on this site ,kudos to the people that are behind this fountain of knowledge,going back to my last post i would greatly appreciate any info on online training,looking forward to talking to all of you in the future.

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Originally posted by irwin speirs

I have spent hours surfing the web looking for info on the home inspectors biz ,in that time I haven't found one percent of the info thats on this site ,kudos to the people that are behind this fountain of knowledge,going back to my last post i would greatly appreciate any info on online training,looking forward to talking to all of you in the future.

No one entering this profession understands how much you really need to know to be competent. You can't possibly learn what you need to know on line or from a book. Go take ITA's 90 hour class. That will give you a good beginning base of knowledge. After that, just spend the rest of your life learning.

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