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You guys all got it right. VCT

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The guy was a friend, so I told him he should get a grinder, a scotchbright 7440 pad, some wax and burnish it.

That was only the tip of the iceburg. I couldn't get to the bank fast enough after I was done with this place.

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I couldn't get to the bank fast enough after I was done with this place.

Now that's funny...

Oh you think that's funny? Look at this.

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Ah yes, those things had a pretty good run around here a few years back - seemed to be synonymous with Ryan homes back then.

(Not to say anything bad about Ryan Homes, though, it seems they are the grandfather of the sealed and conditioned crawlspace - doing them way back in the 70's, when no one else was. That's when I became a fan of the that scenario, because every one of their crawlspaces was always perfect. So, for about eight years builders around here (except Ryan) were calling me an idiot for suggesting that vapor barriers should cover all the earth. Good times... ) [:-hspin]

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