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Poor Mr. Mouse . . .


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I dunno. As grotesquely amusing as the mental image would be of him trying to run on the blower while it was on, I can't buy that scenario. After a little assessment of the photo, I have to assume that our little friend died on the blower when it wasn't being used. Somehow he looks too peaceful. I suspect that subsequent decomposition "molded" his carcass to the blades. It would seem to me that if he was on the blower at the time it started up he would've been beat up more. Or expelled. I just don't see that he could end up in that position.

Still a good pic.

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WRONG, Kevin. I'm an expert when it comes to these things. The mouse was on the blower squirrel cage. The squirrel cage began to spin. And Mr. Mouse lost the race. The position of his body COMPLETELY supports this premise.

(Bullshit aside, however, I don't actually think mice do the treadmill thing. I was just being silly.)

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. . . I suspect that subsequent decomposition "molded" his carcass to the blades. It would seem to me that if he was on the blower at the time it started up he would've been beat up more. Or expelled. I just don't see that he could end up in that position. . .

Well, there's one way to find out . . .

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. . . I suspect that subsequent decomposition "molded" his carcass to the blades. It would seem to me that if he was on the blower at the time it started up he would've been beat up more. Or expelled. I just don't see that he could end up in that position. . .

Well, there's one way to find out . . .

I hereby nominate Jim to do just that. Using his own mouse -- from whatever source he deems best.
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Too easy a death for the foul little bastard. He needed to get inside the heat exchanger just before the furnace kicked on. That woulda been sweet.



Come on Mike, we all know how much you love rats. [:-slaphap Thought of you in a crawlspace a couple weeks ago, after spotting the third tunnel entrance and the ground started caving in underneath me when I moved.

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