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Rusted connector and flue

Neal Lewis

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The photo shows a massive hole rusted in a metal connector. Gotta be a big issue up the flue somewhere to do that after only 10 years.

The general comment was why didn't this set off the CO alarm big time. Easy, I said. Bernoulli's principle. Of course no one believed me, but when I fired up the boiler, that hole was sucking in enough air to extinguish a match flame...

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What does Bernoulli's Effect have to do with this? Bernoulli's is concerned with differential pressures that occur with changes in velocity. In Neal's flue pipe, its elevated temperatures of the discharge that's thinning the air out and making it lighter than room temperature air. Lighter air rises, pulling in heavier air behind it.

Bernoulli's principle explains how a wing on a plane offers lift and enables the plane to fly.


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Is that single-walled connector in an unheated area where the air around it can cool the exhaust gases to dew point and cause them to condense? Those gases are acidic and they'll eat through a vent. Find single-walled vents damaged all the time due to that issue.

That 90 degree bend will be part of it. The rule is no bend greater than 45 degrees but one of 60 is allowed. That 90 ist ya verboten.



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What does Bernoulli's Effect have to do with this? Bernoulli's is concerned with differential pressures that occur with changes in velocity. In Neal's flue pipe, its elevated temperatures of the discharge that's thinning the air out and making it lighter than room temperature air. Lighter air rises, pulling in heavier air behind it.

Bernoulli's principle explains how a wing on a plane offers lift and enables the plane to fly.


He meant the Baron Metrik-Dampier Effect there, Marc. [:)]
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