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Roof Deck Buckling

Jerry Simon

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Same was very noticable as we looked up from the ground on this ten-year-old roof, and I explained to the client the roof decking may not have been installed with adequate panel spacing, and/or without h-clips. In the attic, both items were (weren't?) observed; no spacing, no clips.

It's a ten-year-old asphalt shingle roof covering, and aside from the cosmetics, I don't see where the buckling has posed or may pose a problem. What say yee all? How would you report? (OSB, by the by.)

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Same was very noticable as we looked up from the ground on this ten-year-old roof, and I explained to the client the roof decking may not have been installed with adequate panel spacing, and/or without h-clips. In the attic, both items were (weren't?) observed; no spacing, no clips.

It's a ten-year-old asphalt shingle roof covering, and aside from the cosmetics, I don't see where the buckling has posed or may pose a problem. What say yee all? How would you report? (OSB, by the by.)

I'd recommend fixing the sheathing when they replace the shingles. It makes little sense to do it before that.

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It's a 10 year old asphalt cover. It's either at or passed the mid point of it's service life. Unless you observed significant damage from the attic, the OSB should last at least as long as the cover.

FWIW, an installed asphalt roof goes for $4-600 a square. Replacing the sheathing will probably add another $200 a square. That is a major expense they'll need to budget for in the next 5-10 years. Probably enough to make some walk.

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