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Timeframe Bulldog Pushmatics Were Installed?


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Thanks - The home I inspected today was listed as a 1922 built, but it looked more like an early 50's home to me. (I thought is was odd that the square footage and year built were identical) The Bulldog Panels appeared to be the home's originals. That post WWII to mid-60's information helps validate my guess on the home's vintage. Have Bulldog's been discussed on this forum? I went back about 20 pages and didn't see anything specific. Any boilerplate info out there on how these are described in reports?

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Originally posted by dtontarski

Thanks - The home I inspected today was listed as a 1922 built, but it looked more like an early 50's home to me. (I thought is was odd that the square footage and year built were identical) The Bulldog Panels appeared to be the home's originals. That post WWII to mid-60's information helps validate my guess on the home's vintage. Have Bulldog's been discussed on this forum? I went back about 20 pages and didn't see anything specific. Any boilerplate info out there on how these are described in reports?

Nothing to describe. Their great panels. No issues beyond age and availability of parts. - The houses I've found them in range from the early 60's to the mid 70's

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I'm sure they have. For the most part they were fairly reliable and a good design. But now they are OLD. Replacement breakers are expensive. I would say that a 50 year old panel is at the end of its life and it should be replaced. Not due to problems associated with the panel but due to its age.

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Originally posted by dtontarski

Have Bulldog's been discussed on this forum? I went back about 20 pages and didn't see anything specific. Any boilerplate info out there on how these are described in reports?

Bill already found it, but you guys really should check out the improved search feature.

OT - OF!!!


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You know, I think that's right. About 12 years ago, I got a mailer ad for an auction of approx. 1000 old Bulldog panels; the company had either discontinued or gone out of business.

I never bothered to go to the auction, but that would put the end date somewhere in the late 80's-early 90's.

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Now you guy's are all calling them "Bulldog"... I know them as having been manufactured by ITE & found one once with "Electi-Center" on the data label. Am I just not paying attention to the bulldog elsewhere on the label or is there some regional difference, maybe another manufacturer?

The other "issue" that commonly arrises with these panels is that pretty much everyone I've ever seen, is packed full, no vacancy... And try to find a 50amp. breaker to put in to run to a sub panel and hence I always find them with several double taps.

A 200 amp. panel not installed yet??? Wanna sell it? I'm building my 1000sf garage this summer!

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