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Nephew in Fallujah

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I just got off the phone (literally) w/ my nephew; he wasn't allowed to say where he was, but indicated it was the town that has been recently "locked down". It was just a quick phone call, completely unexpected. Gunfire could be heard in the background. My nephew, the boy/man who I have been surrogate dad to for 10 years had to hang up abruptly as "stuff just got crazy".

The one story he was able to tell before having to go fight was about an Iraqi family thankful for our presence. The old man said "before the Americans, we had nothing. No food, no water. Now we have extra & I want to share it w/you". He handed my nephew a plate of rice & chicken.

My nephew said that is a very common occurrence; the idea that the mass of Iraqis don't want us there is wrong. He said the "insurgents" are sniveling creeps that use women & children as human shields, or hide in nurseries & schools. Then he had to hang up.......

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Originally posted by chrisprickett

The f#%@ing news doesn't find that type of information noteworthy.

Ain't that the truth. The stories about building things and helping people just don't excite like the stories about blowing things up and killing people.

Hang in there Kurt.

Brian G.

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Best wishes for your nephew. Tell him that we all do apprecitae what he is doing on our behalf. Let him know that every day Americans do recognize and appreciate the sacrifice that he and his family are making on our behalf.


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Our son Master Sgt. John is an instructor at the Military Academy at West Point. He wishes he could terminate his assignment at the academy and join a combat group in Iraq. Unfortunately, that's not the way the Army works. I'm sure John will do everything in his power to be re-assigned to a combat group when this hitch is up. In the mean time my wife, Leslie, and my prayers are with you, your family, and particularly your nephew. GOD Bless America!!!

By the way, John did see action, if you could call it that, in Desert Storm. He was a private then.


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I don't care what anyones politics are; when good kids are in harms way & dying on distant soil, I think it's important that we honor them in any way we can. Your response(s) to my (mildly freaked out) post this AM shows me that you are all honorable guys. Thanks fellas.

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Hey All,

As a soldier myself stationed in Kuwait, supporting my Brothers and Sister at arms up north. To come to these message boards and see the support for fellow Americans is well appriciated. Every time I see or hear some one thanking us for what we are doing, I get emotional. Who would have ever thought that two words would be so meaningfull (Thank You) I for one Appriciate the support. THANK YOU!

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At least we don't hear much anymore about our military or troops being soft, not having what it takes anymore. Yeah, we have it pretty damn good in this country, but we're still the same Americans we've always been. When the call goes out, our fighting men and women step up, agree with the cause or not. Our military is first rate.

Thank God we have gotten smarter. Now we bomb the hell out of you first, then send in the troops. Buy more smart bombs and bring more Americans home alive...I'll pay my taxes for that.

Thank You Dan, from my whole family.

Brian G.

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